Laboratorijas publikāciju saraksts pēc autoriem
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404 publikācijas, kuru autors ir A. Jakovičs: |
Fails | 2019 | G. Baldinelli, F. Bianchi, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovics, G.L. Morini, S. Falcioni, S. Fantucci, V. Serra, M.A. Navacerrada, C. Díaz, A. Libbra, A. Muscio, F. Asdrubali Thermal conductivity measurement of insulating innovative building materials by hot plate and heat flow meter devices: A Round Robin Test
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 139, pp. 25-35. |
2019 | M. Sinka, D. Bajare, A. Jakovics, J. Ratnieks, S. Gendelis, J. Tihana Experimental testing of phase change materials in a warm-summer humid continental climate
Energy and Buildings, Volume 195, 2019, p. 205-215, ISSN 0378-7788 |
2019 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A. Comparison of experimental and numerical velocity for electrovortex flow in multi-electrode furnace
Proceedings of International Symposium on Heating by Electromagnetic Sources (HES-19), May 2224, 2019, Padua, Italy, pp. 143148 |
2019 | Gendelis, S., Jakovičs, A. and Engelhardt, M. Thermal and moisture adsorption/desorption properties for a selection of vegetal insulation materials
MATEC Web Of Conferences, 282, 02062. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201928202062 |
2019 | Gendelis, S., Miķelsons, M., Jakovičs, A. and Bredovskis E. Calculation of cost-optimal combination of building materials and technical systems for nZEB single-family house using global cost calculation method
MATEC Web of Conferences 282, 02070. doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201928202070 |
2019 | Telicko, J., Jakovics, A. and Drirkis I. A low-cost wireless sensor network for long term monitoring of energy performance and sustainability of buildings
MATEC Web of Conferences 282, 02039. doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201928202039 |
2019 | Gendelis, S., Miķelsons, M., Jakovičs, A., Bredovskis, E. Comparative calculation of global and heating costs for nearly zero energy single-family building
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. Volume 19, Issue 6.2, 2019, Pages 417-424. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2019; Albena; Bulgaria; 30 June 2019 - 6 July 2019. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2019/6.2/S27.053 |
2019 | J. Tihana, T. Odineca, A. Borodinecs, S. Gendelis, and A. Jakovics Optimal properties of external building envelope for minimization of over heating
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 390, p.012046 |
2018 | Ratnieks, J., Jakovics, A., Gendelis, S. Wall assemblies U-value calculation in test buildings using constant power heating
Energy Procedia, 147, 207-213. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2018.07.061 |
2018 | Sinka, M., Bajare, D., Gendelis, S., Jakovics, A. In-situ measurements of hemp-lime insulation materials for energy efficiency improvement
Energy Procedia, 147, 242-248. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2018.07.088 |
2018 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovics Analysis of the efficiency of non-traditional thermal insulation materials
18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018, www.sgem.org, SGEM2018 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-52-2 / ISSN 1314-2704, 2 - 8 July, 2018, Vol. 18, Issue 6.3, 19-26 pp, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/6.3/S26.003 |
2018 | S. Gendelis, M. Mikelsons, A. Jakovics Calculations of cost-optimal levels of energy performance requirements for renovated buildings and building elements: a Latvian case
18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018, www.sgemviennagreen.org, Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-71-3 / ISSN 1314-2704, 3 - 6 December, 2018, Vol. 18, Issue 6.4, 645-652 pp; DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/6.4 |
2017 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Sushkovs V., Baake E. Influence of magnetic field on gas bubbles flow in liquid metal
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (IJAEM), 2017, Vol. 53, No. S1, pp. S31S41 | nav |
2017 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Sushkovs V., Baake E. Gas bubbles and electrically conductive liquid turbulent flow in uniform magnetic field
Magnetohydrodynamics, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 179192 | nav |
2017 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Sushkovs V., Baake E. LES-study of gas bubbles and liquid metal turbulent MHD-flow for different parameters
Proceeding of the XVIII Congress UIE-2017, June 69, 2017, Hannover, Germany, 462467 pp. |
2017 | V. Geža, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, I. Usiļonoks, J. Timofejevs Thermal conductivity of disperse insulation materials and their mixtures
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 251, p. 012012, Oct. 2017 |
2017 | S. Spitans, H. Franz, E. Baake, A. Jakovics Large-scale Levitation Melting and Casting of Titanium Alloys
Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquim "Modelling for Materials Processing", Riga, Latvia, (2017), pp. 59-66 |
2017 | J. Vencels, A. Jakovics, V. Geza Simulation of 3D MHD with Free Surface Using Open-source EOF-library
Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquim "Modelling for Materials Processing", Riga, Latvia, (2017), pp. 81-86 |
2017 | V. Geža, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, I. Usiļonoks Modeling of Granule Filling in Wall Gap for Estimation of Role of Thermal Convection
Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquim "Modelling for Materials Processing", Riga, Latvia, (2017), pp. 127-132 |
2017 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, J. Ratnieks, L. Bandeniece Monitoring results and analysis of thermal comfort conditions in experimental buildings for different heating systems and ventilation regimes during heating and cooling seasons
OP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 251, p. 012053, Oct. 2017 |
2017 | M. Birjukovs, A. Jakovičs, W. Holweger Modelling of Thermal Stresses in Bearing Steel Structure Generated by Electrical Current Impulses
Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquim "Modelling for Materials Processing", Riga, Latvia, (2017), pp. 201-208 |
2017 | G. Zageris, V. Geza, A. Jakovics Numerical Investigation of Slag Formation in an Entrained-flow Gasifier
Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquim "Modelling for Materials Processing", Riga, Latvia, (2017), pp. 235-242 |
2017 | V. Dzelme, M. Sarma, A. Jakovics, K. Thomsen Modelling of Rotating Permanent Magnet Induced Liquid Metal Stirring
Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquim "Modelling for Materials Processing", Riga, Latvia, (2017), pp. 301-306 |
2017 | J. Ratnieks, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovics, D. Bajare Analyses of phase change materials efficiency in warm-summer humid continental climate conditions
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 251, p. 012119, Oct. 2017 |
2017 | S.Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, J. Ratnieks Thermal comfort condition assessment in test buildings with different heating/cooling systems and wall envelopes
Energy Procedia, Volume 132, October 2017, Pages 153-158 |
2017 | J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis Long term energy efficiency study on different wall envelopes in Latvian climate conditions
Energy Procedia, Volume 132, October 2017, Pages 441-446 |
2017 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovics, J. Ratnieks Results of long-term energy efficiency monitoring of test buildings under real climatic conditions
17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017, www.sgemviennagreen.org, SGEM2017 Vienna GREEN Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-29-4 / ISSN 1314-2704, 27 - 29 November, 2017, Vol. 17, Issue 63, 643-650 pp; DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017H/63/S26.081 |
2016 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical modeling of free surface dynamics of melt in an alternate electromagnetic field. Part II. Conventional electromagnetic levitation
Metallurgical and materials transactions B 2016, vol. 47 B, pp. 522 536. | nav |
2016 | M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics The magnetohydrodynamic force experienced by spherical iron particles in liquid metal
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 2016, vol. 403, pp. 30 35. | nav |
2016 | S. Sakipova, A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis The Potential of Renewable Energy Sources in Latvia
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. Volume 52, Issue 6, Pages 4960, ISSN (Online) 0868-8257, DOI: 10.1515/lpts-2016-0001 |
2016 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Baake E., Sushkovs V. Influence of magnetic field on gas bubbles flow in liquid metal
Heating by Electromagnetic Sources (HES-16) Padua, May 2016, pp. 2734. |
2016 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Sushkovs V., Baake E. Gas bubbles and liquid metal flow in uniform external magnetic field
The 10th PAMIR International Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD June 2024, 2016, Cagliari, Italy, pp. ID19-1 ID19-5. |
2016 | A. Tatulcenkovs, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Lattice Boltzmann modelling for multiphase bubble flow in electroconducting liquids
Heating by Electromagnetic Sources (HES-16) Padua, May 2016, pp. 35 - 41. | nav |
2016 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics Large scale electromagnetic levitation melting of metals
Heating by Electromagnetic Sources (HES-16) Padua, May 2016, pp. 43 - 50. | nav |
2016 | V. Dzelme, M. Sarma, V. Geza, M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics Transition of different vortical structures in rotating permanent magnets agitated flow: numerical and experimental neutron radiography investigation
Fundamental and applied MHD Cagliari, Italy, June 2016, pp. 252 256 | nav |
2016 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics, H. Franz Numerical and experimenta investigations of large scale electromagnetic levitation melting of metals
Fundamental and applied MHD Cagliari, Italy, June 2016, pp. 366 370 | nav |
2016 | A. Tatulcenkovs, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical simulation of multiphase bubble flow in electroconducting liquids by lattice Boltzmann method
Fundamental and applied MHD Cagliari, Italy, June 2016, pp. 382 386 | nav |
2016 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Vortex merging in two demensinal recirculating flows: salt-water experiment and numerical simulations
Fundamental and applied MHD Cagliari, Italy, June 2016, pp. 441 445 | nav |
2016 | S. Pavlovs, A. Jakovics, V. Sushkovs, E. Baake Gas bubbles and liquid metal flow in uniform external magnetic field
Fundamental and applied MHD Cagliari, Italy, June 2016, 6 pp (electronic publication) | nav |
2015 | W. Holweger, M. Wolf, D. Merk, T. Blass, M. Goss, J. Loos, S. Barteldes, A. Jakovics White etching crack root cause investigations
Tribology transactions 2015, Vol. 58, pp. 59 69. | nav |
2015 | A. Jakovičs, I. Dimdiņa Energoefektivitātes monitoringa aktualitātes eksperimentālajās būvēs
Latvijas būvniecība 2015, Nr. 1, 96.-97. lpp. |
2015 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Sushkovs V., Nacke B. LES-study of heat transfer in the melt for metallurgical MHD devices with power supply by inductor and over electrodes
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2015, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 67-81 | nav |
2015 | A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis, A. Laizans, D. Vardanjans Modelling of heat exchange in counterflow shell-type system
Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1117, pp 126-131, 2015. (doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1117.126) | nav |
2015 | Gendelis, S., Jakovičs, A., Dzenis, T., Bandeniece, L. Analysis of Thermal Comfort Conditions and Actual Energy Efficiency for Different Heating Systems in Test Buildings
In: Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015, Latvia, Rīga, 6-9 May, 2015. Riga: RTU PRESS, 2015, pp.89-94. ISBN 978-9934-10-685-9. e-ISBN 978-9934-10-717-7. (DOI: 10.7250/rehvaconf.2015.013) |
2015 | Apine, I., Orola, L., Jakovics, A. Effect of Building Envelope Materials on Indoor Air Quality in Low Energy Test Houses
International Journal Of Environmental Science And Development, 6(12), 2015. pp. 952-957.(DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.728) |
2015 | V. Geza, B. Nacke, E.Baake, A.Jakovics Anisotropy of flow and transition between mixing regimes in a physical model of directional solidification
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2015, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 1524 |
2015 | Ozoliņš, A., Jakovičs, A., Gendelis S. Impact of Different Building Materials on Summer Comfort in Low-Energy Buildings
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. Volume 52, Issue 3, Pages 4457 (doi:10.1515/lpts-2015-0017) |
2015 | Sakipova, S., Jakovics, A., Gendelis, S. Analysis of energy supply from renewable sources considering the climate in Riga
Proceedings of ECOS 2015: 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2015, Pau (France), 2015, 8 pp. |
2015 | Якович А., Гендель С., Сакипова С.Е. (A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, S. Sakipova) Otsenka energoeffektivnosti ispol'zovaniya teplovykh nasosov na osnove vozobnovlyayemykh istochnikov energii (Оценка энергоэффективности использования тепловых насосов на основе возобновляемых источников энергии)
Proceedings Chaos and structures in nonlinear systems. Theory and experiment 2015, Karaganda, pp. 314319 (Материалы 9-й международной научной конференци "Хаос и структуры в нелинейных системах. Теория и эксперимент", 18-20 июня 2015 года, Караганда, стр. 314-319) (in Russian) |
2015 | Vardanjan, R., Laizans, A., Jakovics, A., Gendelis, S. Biogas specific heat capacity variations during upgrading
Engineering for Rural Development. In 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015 (pp. 372-376). Jelgava, Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture. |
2015 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics New technology for large scale electromagnetic levitation melting of metals
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2015, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 121132 | nav |
2015 | M. Scepanskis, E. Yu. Koroteeva, V. Geza, A. Jakovics Simulation of liquid metal flow induced by counter-rotating permanent magnets in a rectangular crucible
Magnetohydrodynamics 2015, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 37-44 | nav |
2015 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics New technology for electromagnetic levitation melting of metals
Applied mechanics and materials - 2015, Vol. 698, pp. 237244 | nav |
2015 | M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Molten salts cannot be used for the study of turbulent electromagnetically driven flows of liquid metal
// Metallurgical and materials transactions B 2015, vol. 46 B, Nr. 5, p. 2015 2017. | nav |
2015 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, I. Kaldre, W. Holweger, B. Nacke, A. M. Diederichs The numerical model of electrothermal deformations of carbides in bearing steel as the possible cause of white etching cracks initiation
Tribology letters 2015, Vol. 59, Nr. 2, p. 110 | nav |
2015 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke A model for homogenization of solid alloying admixtures in an induction crucible furnace
Steel Research International, 2015, Vol. 86, pp. 169-174 | nav |
2015 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, I. Kaldre, W. Holweger, B. Nacke A hypothesis on the electromagnetic cause of white etching cracks in bearing steel
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition. - Dallas, Texas, USA, 2015 | nav |
2015 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical modeling of free surface dynamics of melt in an alternate electromagnetic field. Part II. Conventional electromagnetic levitation
Metallurgical and materials transactions B 2015, vol. 46 B | nav |
2015 | J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis Transient Modelling of Thermal Conditions in Test Buildings Including Radiation
Energy Procedia, Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 2905-2910, ISSN 1876-6102 |
2015 | S. Sakipova, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis Studies Energy Efficiency of the Renewable Sources use Considering Climate in Latvia
Energy Procedia, Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 1980-1984, ISSN 1876-6102 |
2015 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, L. Bandeniece Experimental Research of Thermal Comfort Conditions in Small Test Buildings with Different Types of Heating
Energy Procedia, Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 2929-2934, ISSN 1876-6102 |
2015 | M. Scepanskis, M. Sarma, R. Nikoluskins, K. Thomsen, A. Jakovics, P. Vontobel, T. Beinerts, A. Bojarevics, E. Platacis A report on the first neutron radiography experiment for dynamic vizualization of solid particles in an intense liquid metal flow
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2015, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 257265 | nav |
2015 | M. Sarma, M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics, K. Thomsen, R. Nikoluskins, P. Vontobel, T. Beinerts, A. Bojarevics, E. Platacis Neutron radiography visualization of solid particles in stirring liquid metal
Physics procedia 2015, Vol. 69, pp. 457463 | nav |
2015 | M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics A model for optimisation of homogenization process of solid alloying inclusions in an induction crucible furnace
Proceedings of 9-th Int. conference on clean steel Budapest, September 2015, 9 p (electronic publication) | nav |
2015 | M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics, T. Beinerts, R. Nikoluskins, K. Thomsen, P. Vontobel A new neutron radiography experimental technique for dynamic control of inclusions in electromagnetic induction melting and stirring equipment
Proceedings of 9-th Int. conference on clean steel Budapest, September 2015, 7 p (electronic publication) | nav |
2015 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics, H. Franz Numerical simulation of electromagnetic levitation in a cold crucible furnace
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2015, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp.567-578 | nav |
2015 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Sushkovs V., Nacke B. Numerical study of turbulent flow and thermal field in industrial electrotechnological devices with combined power supply
Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials EPM2015, October 1216, 2015, Cannes, France, pp. 147150 |
2015 | Jakovics A., Pavlovs S., Baake E., Steinberg T., Sushkovs V., Tatulcenkovs A. Numerical study of gas bubbles collective dynamics in the melt influenced with magnetic field
Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials EPM2015, October 1216, 2015, Cannes, France, pp. 183186 |
2015 | Jakovičs, A., Gendelis, S. & Bandeniece, L. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of Different Building Structures in Latvian Climate
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 96, p. 012032, 8 pp, Nov. 2015. online |
2015 | M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics, K. Thomsen, T. Beinerts, M. Sarma, P. Vontobel, R. Nikoluskins, A. Bojarevics Dynamic neutron radiography for liquid metals applications
8th Int. conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials Cannes, October 2015, p. 503 506. | nav |
2015 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics Electromagnetic levitation melting of metals on a large scale: simulation and experiments
8th Int. conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials Cannes, October 2015, p. 583 - 586. | nav |
2014 | A. Jakovičs, I. Dimdiņa, S. Gendelis Materiālu ietekme uz ēkas funkcionēšanu
Latvijas Būvniecība 2014. Nr. 4 (45), lpp. 6064. |
2014 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Baake E., Nacke B. LES-study of melt flow driven by combined inductive and conductive power supply in metallurgical MHD devices
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 1620, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 289293. |
2014 | A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs Computational modeling of induction melting and experimental verification
ASM Handbook, Vol. 4c, Induction heating and heat treatment 2014, ASM International, pp. 416 446. | nav |
2014 | A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs Melting of glasses and oxides
ASM Handbook, Vol. 4c, Induction heating and heat treatment 2014, ASM International, pp. 535 - 547. | nav |
2014 | Baake E., Barglik J., Jakovics A., Khatsayuk M., Lupi S., Nikanorov A., Pavlov E., Pavlovs S., Pervukhin M., Timofeyev S., Timofeyev V. (Баке Э., Барглик Д., Лупи С., Никаноров А., Павлов Е., Павлов С., Первухин М., Тимофеев В., Тимофеев С., Хацаюк М., Якович А.) MHD technologies in metallurgy. Intensive Course Specific IV. (МГД технологии в металлургии. Интенсивный курс Специализация IV.)
Sankt Petersburg: Publishing house of ETU, 2013, 233 p., ISBN 978-5-7629-1410-9 (Санкт-Петербург: Издательство СПбГЭТУ "ЛЭТИ", 2013, 250 с., ISBN 978-5-7629-1422-2) | nav |
2014 | A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics Thermal comfort in summer in low energy buildings
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, Sweden,15-19 June 2014, pp. 782-789 |
2014 | J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis Mathematical modeling of airflow velocity and temperature fields for experimental test houses
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, Sweden,15-19 June 2014, pp. 871-878 |
2014 | A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics Moisture and frost risks for different external walls of test houses under Latvian climate conditions
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, Sweden,15-19 June 2014, pp. 1108-1115 |
2014 | Спитан С., Бааке Э., Якович А., Павлов С. (Spitans S., Baake E., Jakovics A., Pavlov S.) Новый подход к сопряженному моделированию физических процессов при проектировании электротехнологических установок для получения сверхчистых сплавов (A new approach for coupled simulation of physical processes for design of electrotechnological setups for melting of high purity alloys)
CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2014, № 5, с. 7380 |
2014 | A. Jakovics, S. Sakipova, K. Kussaiynov, Zh. Kambarova, Ye. Kussaiynov Development of autonomous energy supply system using a sail type wind turbine
Advances in environmental sciences Santorini, July 2014, pp. 62 66 |
2014 | A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis, A. Ozolins, S. Sakipova Energy efficency and sustainability of low energy houses in Latvian climate conditions
Advances in environmental sciences Santorini, July 2014, pp. 109 113 |
2014 | V. Geza, R. Z. Milenkovic, R. Kapulla, S. Dementjevs, A. Jakovics, M. Wohlmuther Computational and experimental studies of the flow field near the beam entrance window of a liquid metal target
Nuclear engineering and design 2014, Vol. 275, pp. 96 106 | nav |
2014 | Zin. red.: Andris Jakovičs Būvkonstrukciju energoefektivitāte un ilgtspēja Latvijas klimatā
Rīga, 2014. ISBN 978-9934-517-15-0, UDK 69(474.3):551.5 |
2014 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Baake E., Nacke B., Sushkovs V. Numerical modelling of melt circulation in industrial-size furnaces with power supply by inductor and over electrodes
International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing. Hannover (German), September 1619, 2014, pp. 363369 |
2014 | V. Geza, B. Nacke, E. Baake, A. Jakovics Influence of the Richardson number on EM force driven flow structures in square-shaped crucible
Journal of crystal growth 2014, Vol. 401, pp. 895 898. | nav |
2014 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics A new approach for coupled simulation of liquid metal flow, free surface dynamics and electromagnetic field in induction furnaces
Heat processing 2014, Nr. 1, pp. 79 85 | nav |
2014 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics A numerical model for coupled free surface and liquid metal flow calculation in electromagnetic field
Int. journal of applied electromagnetic and mechanics 2014, vol. 44, pp. 171- 182 | nav |
2014 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, A. Ozoliņš u.c. Latvijas zinātnieki atklājuši Latvijas klimatam piemērotākos celtniecības blokus (A. Jakoviča, S. Gendeļa, A. Ozoliņa u.c. pētījumu rezultātu apskats)
Latvijas būvniecība 2014, Nr. 2, 86 87 lpp. | nav |
2014 | M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Solid inclusions in an electromagnetically induced recirculated turbulent flow: Simulation and experiment
Int. journal of multiphase flow 2014, vol. 64, pp. 19 27 | nav |
2014 | M. Scepanskis, R. Nikoluskins, A. Bojarevics, T. Beinerts, V. Geza, A. Jakovics, K. Thomsen Liquid metal flow induced by counter-rotating permanent magnets in a rectangular crucible
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 1620, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 278 282 | nav |
2014 | V. Geza, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Anisotropy of flow and transition between mixing regimes in stratified EM force generated flow
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 1620, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 214 | nav |
2014 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics, H. Franz Numerical simulation of electromagnetic levitation in a cold crucible furnace
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 1620, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 256 - 260 | nav |
2014 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics 3D LES two-phase flow simulation of conventional electromagnetic levitation melting experiment
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 1620, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 261 265 | nav |
2014 | A. Tucs, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake Numerical modeling of gas bubble dynamics in liquid metal in applied DC magnetic field
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 1620, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 266 270 | nav |
2014 | L. Blacha, S. Golak, A. Jakovics, A. Tucs Kinetic analysis of aluminum evaporation from the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy
Archives of metallurgy and materials 2014, Vol. 59, Nr. 1, pp. 275 279 | nav |
2014 | A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis , J. Ratnieks, S. Sakipova Monitoring and Modelling of Energy Efficiency for Low Energy Testing Houses in Latvian Climate Conditions
International Journal of Energy, 2014 (8): 76-83 (ISSN: 1998-4316) |
2014 | Sakipova S.E., Jakovics A., Gendelis S., Kambarova Zh.T., Kussaiynov Ye.K. Development a Sail Type Wind Turbine for Autonomous Energy Supply According Climate Conditions
Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2014, Vol. 11, No. 2 (22), pp. 3-11 |
2014 | Beinarts, I., Grunde, U., Jakovics, A. Distributed Multi-Sensor Real-Time Building Environmental Parameters Monitoring System with Remote Data Access
Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering. Vol.7, 2014, pp.41-46. ISSN 2255-9140. e-ISSN 2255-9159 (DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2014-0022)) |
2014 | Sakipova, S., Jakovics, A. Sail-Type Wind Turbine for Autonomous Power Supplay: Possible Use in Latvia
Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences 2014, Nr. 6, pp. 13 - 25. (doi:10.1515/lpts-2014-0033) |
2014 | Kazjonovs, J., Sipkevics, A., Jakovics, A., Dancigs, A., Bajāre, D., Dancigs, L. Performance Analysis of Air-to-Water Heat Pump in Latvian Climate Conditions
Environmental and Climate Technologies. Nr.14, 2014, 18.-22.lpp. ISSN 1691-5208. e-ISSN 2255-8837. (doi:10.1515/rtuect-2014-0009) |
2014 | S. Pavlovs, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Melt flow patterns in metallurgical MHD devices with combined inductive and conductive power supply
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2014, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 303315 | nav |
2013 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical modelling of free surface dynamics of melt in an alternate electromagnetic field. Part I. Implementation and verification of model
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 2013, Vol. 44, Nr. 3, pp. 593 605. | nav |
2013 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Bosnyaks D., Nacke B., Baake E. Anomalies of Joule heat, thermal and turbulent flow fields in clogged industrial channel induction furnaces
Heating by Electromagnetic Sources (HES-13) Padua, May 2013, pp. 29 36. | nav |
2013 | J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis Stationary Heat Transfer and Airflow Simulation for Test Polygon Houses
In: CYSENI 2013, 10th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 2931, 2013. p. VI-382-389 (CD). |
2013 | Dimdiņa, I., Jakovičs, A., Gendelis, S., Kļaviņš, J. Testing of Energy-Efficient Building Envelope Materials in Natural Conditions
In: World Sustainable Energy Days 2013: International Conference (WSED 2014), Austria, Wels, 27 Feb-1 Mar., 2013. Wels: 2013, pp.1-5. |
2013 | S. Certoks, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovics, J. Klavins Mathematical Modelling of Heat Transfer Properties for Perforated Ceramic Blocks
Proceedings of the 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC - CLIMA 2013 "Energy efficient, smart and healthy buildings", Prague, Czech Republic, June 1619, 2013, 10 p. (CD). |
2013 | I. Dimdiņa, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, J. Kļaviņš A Testing Ground for Measuring Influence of Building Envelope Materials on Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environment
In: Proceedings of CLIMA 2013, Czech Republic, Prague, 16-19 June, 2013. Praha: Society of Environmental Engineering (STP), REHVA member association, 2013, pp.1-10. ISBN 9788026040019. |
2013 | A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics, J. Ratnieks, S. Gendelis Numerical Modelling of Humidity and Temperature Conditions in Buildings with Different Boundary Structures
Proceedings of the 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC - CLIMA 2013 "Energy efficient, smart and healthy buildings", Prague, Czech Republic, June 1619, 2013, 10 p. (CD). |
2013 | J. Džeriņš, I. Dimdiņa, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs HeatMod6 Web-Based Application for Building Heat Balance Calculation
In: 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Proceedings of CLIMA 2013, Czech Republic, Prague, 16-19 June, 2013. Prague: Society of Environmental Engineering (STP), REHVA member association, 2013, pp.1-9. ISBN 9788026040019. |
2013 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake and B. Nacke Experimental and LES-based Euler-Lagrange Numerical Investigation of the Particle Laden EM Induced Recerculated Turbulent Flow Class
In the proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (digitally published), 2013, Jeju, Korea |
2013 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, A. Nitijevskis, J. Ratnieks Comparison of different air tightness and air exchange rate measurements in very small test buildings
In: 34th AIVC conference: Energy conservation Technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment Athens, September 2013, 8 pp. |
2013 | A. Ozolinsh, A. Jakovich Risk of Condensate Formation and Mould Growth in Buildings under Latvian Climate Conditions (DOI: 10.2478/lpts-2013-0032)
Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences 2013, Nr. 5, p. 44 - 53. |
2013 | A. Jakovics, I. Dimdiņa, S. Gendelis Ārējo konstrukciju materiālu ietekme uz ēkas energoefektivitāti ekspluatācijas sākuma posmā
Latvijas būvniecība 2013, Nr. 6, lpp. 84 86. |
2013 | M. Greitans, U. Grunde, A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis Web-Based Real-Time Data Acquisition System as Tool for Energy Efficiency Monitoring
21-st Telecomunications forum (TELFOR) Belgrade, November 2013, pp. 553 556. |
2013 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics A new approach for coupled simulation of liquid metal flow, free surface dynamics and electromagnetic field in induction furnaces
Elektrowaerme international 2013, Nr. 4, pp. 55 61. | nav |
2013 | A. Tucs, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake Implementation and verification of numerical model for gas bubble dynamics in electroconductive fluid
11th Int. Conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics proceedings Rhodes, September 2013, p. 86 89. | nav |
2013 | A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics Risks of mould growth in different building structures
Innovative materials, structures and technologies Riga, November 2013, p. 38. | nav |
2013 | A. Tucs, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake Implementation and verification of numerical model for gas bubble dynamics in electroconductive fluid
Liquid metal MHD Bad Honnef, October, 2013, p. 52. | nav |
2013 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics New technology for electromagnetic levitation melting of metals
Liquid metal MHD Bad Honnef, October, 2013, p. 61. | nav |
2013 | E. Baake, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics New technology for electromagnetic levitation melting of metals
Heating by electromagnetic sources Padua, May 2013, Addendum, pp. 1 - 8. | nav |
2013 | A. Tucs, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Implementation and verification of numerical model for gas bubble dynamics in electroconductive fluid
Heating by electromagnetic sources Padua, May 2013, pp. 623 - 630. | nav |
2013 | S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Development, verification and application of numerical model for coupled free surface and liquid metal flow calculation in EM field
Heating by electromagnetic sources Padua, May 2013, pp. 279 286. | nav |
2013 | E. Baake, A. Jakovics Unterstützung und Verbesserung des Betriebsverhaltens von Induktionsrinnenöfen durch Anwendung der Computersimulation
Gießerei 2013, vol. 100, Nr. 5, S 30 35. |
2013 | Aliferov A., Barglik J., Forzan M., Goreva L., Jakovics A., Lupi S., Pavlovs S. (Алиферов А.И., Барглик Д., Горева Л.П., Лупи С., Павлов С., Форцан М., Якович А.) Theory and practice of application of arc furnaces. Intensive Course Speccourse II (Теория и практика применения дуговых печей. Интенсивный курс Специализация II)
Sankt Petersburg: Publishing house of ETU, 2013, 234 p., ISBN 978-5-7629-1406-2 (Санкт-Петербург: Издательство СПбГЭТУ ЛЭТИ, 2013, 234 с., ISBN 978-5-7629-1418-5) | nav |
2013 | Aliferov A., Baake E., Barglik J., Bikeev R., Bressan F., Di Barba P., Forzan M., Goreva L., Jakovics A., Lupi S., Nacke B., Nikanorov A., Pavlovs S., Pleshivtseva Yu., Rapoport E., Smalcerz A., Spitans S. (Алиферов А.И., Бааке Э., Барглик Д., Бикеев Р.А., Брессан Ф., Ди Барба П., Горева Л.П., Лупи С., Наке Б., Никаноров А., Павлов С., Плешивцева Ю.Э., Рапопорт Э.Я., Optimization and control systems in electrotechnologies. Intensive Course Specific III (Оптимизация и управление электротехнологическими системами. Интенсивный курс Специализация III)
Sankt Petersburg: Publishing house of ETU, 2013, 244 p., ISBN 978-5-7629-1408-6 (Санкт-Петербург: Издательство СПбГЭТУ ЛЭТИ, 2013, 266 с., ISBN 978-5-7629-1420-8) | nav |
2013 | A. Tucs, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake Implementation and verification of numerical model for gas bubble dynamics in electroconductive fluid
AIP Conference proceedings 2013. Vol. 1558, pp. 86 89. | nav |
2013 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Development, verification and application of numerical model for coupled free surface and liquid metal flow calculation in EM field
Computational methods in multiphase flow VII. WIT Transactions on engineering sciences 2013, Vol. 79, pp. 49 61. | nav |
2013 | 1. Nacke B., Baake E., Lupi S., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Barglik J., Dolega D., Jakovics A., Pavlovs S., Aliferov A. Theoretical background and aspects of electrotechnologies. Mathematical simulation and optimization methods. Intensive Course Basic II
St. Petersburg: Publishing house of ETU, 2013, 348 p. (in English and Russian). | nav |
2012 | S. Pavlovs, A. Jakovics, D. Bosnjaks, E. Baake, B. Nacke Turbulet flow, heat and mass exchange in industrial induction channel furnaces with various channel design, iron yoke position and clogging
Energy efficient electrotechnologies, Proceedings of the XVII UIE Congress St. Petersburg, 2012, p. 60 - 67 | nav |
2012 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke and E. Baake Redistribution of solid inclusions in the turbulent flows of metallurgical induction furnaces.
In the Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (full paper on CD), 2012, Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Short paper is published in book Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7 ed. by K. Hanjalić, Y. Nagano, D. Borello, S. Jakirlić, Begell House Inc., New York, Wallingford (UK), 2012, pp. 1123 1126. |
2012 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical analysis and experimental verification of the behaviour of solid inclusions in induction crucible furnaces
Journal of iron and steel research international 2012, vol. 19, suppl. 1, p. 713 - 716. |
2012 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke Analysis of the oscillating behavior of solid inclusions in induction crucible furnaces
Magnetohydrodynamics 2012, Vol. 48, Nr. 4, pp. 503 - 512. | nav |
2012 | A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs, D. Bosnaks, S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke Influence of channel ad yoke design and clogging on turbulent flow and heat exchange in induction channel furnaces
Journal of iron and steel research international 2012, vol. 19, suppl. 1, p. 749 - 753. | nav |
2012 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical modelling of free surface dynamics of melt in alternate electromagnetic field
Journal of iron and steel research international 2012, vol. 19, suppl. 1, p. 531 535. | nav |
2012 | Nacke B., Baake E., Lupi S., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Barglik J., Smalcerz A., Dolega D., Jakovics A., Pavlovs S., Aliferov A., Goreva L. (Алиферов А.И., Бааке Э., Барглик Д., Галунин С.А., Горева Л.П., Долега Д., Дугиеро Ф., Лупи С., Наке Б., Павлов С., Печенков А.Ю., Смальцеж А., Форцан М., Якович А.) Theoretical background and aspects of electrotechnologies. Physical principles and realization. Intensive Course Basic I (Теоретические основы и аспекты электротехнологий. Физические принципы и реализация. Интенсивный курс Основы I)
St. Petersburg: Publishing house of ETU, 2012, 356 p., ISBN 978-5-7629-1237-2 (Санкт-Петербург: Издательство СПбГЭТУ ЛЭТИ, 2013, 359 с., ISBN 978-5-7629-1412-3) | nav |
2012 | J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovičs, J. Kļaviņš Development of Mathematical Model for Determining Sound Reduction Index of Building Elements
Comsol konference Štutgartē 2011. g., CD |
2012 | S. Čertoks, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, J. Kļaviņš Mathematical modelling of ceramic block heat transfer properties
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Advanced construction", October 18-19, 2012, Kaunas, Lithuania, p. 90 97. |
2012 | I. Dimdiņa, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Eksperimentālo stendu energoefektivitātes un telpu mikroklimata monitoringa projekts
Latvijas būvniecība 2012, Nr. 6, 84.-86.lpp. |
2012 | Dimdiņa, I., Jakovičs, A., Gendelis, S., Džeriņš, J. Influence of Unconditioned Spaces on the Energy Efficiency Calculation of Buildings
In: Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference : Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute / RTU Alumni: Digest, Latvia, Riga, 11-12 October, 2012. Riga: RTU, 2012, pp.411-411. ISBN 9789934103605. |
2012 | T. Dzenis, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Research of composite constructions impact on the energy efficiency of buildings
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Advanced construction", October 18-19, 2012, Kaunas, Lithuania, p. 183 - 191. |
2012 | zin. redaktors A. Jakovičs Rīgas jūras līcis vēja enerģijas resurss: GORWIND projekts (zin. redaktors A. Jakovičs)
Latvijas Universitāte, 2012, 43 lpp. | nav |
2012 | A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics Heat and moisture transfer in the multi-layer walls: interaction and influence on the heat losses in the circumstances of changeable external temperature
Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences 2012, Nr. 6, p. 32 43. |
2012 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, M. Brics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Simulation of Growth and Transportation of Solid Inclusions in Inductions Furnaces
In the Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Clean Steel (on CD), 2012, Budapest, Hungary. In the Book of Abstracts: p. 26. |
2012 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake Numerical Modelling of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in an Alternate Electromagnetic Field
University of Latvia 70 Scientific Conference Riga, Latvia, 1-3 February 2012 | nav |
2012 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake Numerical Modelling of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in an Alternate Electromagnetic Field
XVII Congress UIE St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 21-25 May 2012, Electronic Conference Proceedings |
2012 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake Numerical Modelling of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in an Alternate Electromagnetic Field
7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials Beijing, China, 22-26 October 2012 |
2012 | A. Jakovičs, S. Pavlovs, D. Bosņaks, S. Spitāns Influence of Channel and Yoke Design and Clogging on Turbulent Flow and Heat Exchange in Induction Channel Furnaces
7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials Beijing, China, 22-26 October 2012 |
2012 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Baake E., Nacke B. LES long-term analysis of particles transport in melt turbulent flow for industrial induction channel furnaces
Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Clean Steel, May 1416, 2012, Budapest, Hungary, 12 p. (CD) |
2012 | Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Bosnyaks D., Baake E., Nacke B. Turbulent flow, heat and mass exchange in industrial induction channel furnaces with various channel design, iron yoke position and clogging
Proceeding of the XVII Congress UIE-2012, May 2125, 2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 8 p. (CD) |
2012 | A. Jakovičs, I. Dimdiņa Eksperimentāla būvrisinājumu testēšana
Latvijas būvniecība 2012, Nr. 3, 90. lpp. |
2012 | J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovičs, J. Kļaviņš A Numerical Model for Determination of the Airborne Sound Reduction Index of Porous Constructions
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2012, N3, pp. 47 - 56 |
2012 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical modelling of free surface dynamics of melt in an alternate electromagnetic field
Energy efficient electrotechnologies, Proceedings of the XVII UIE Congress St. Petersburg, 2012, p. 175 - 182. | nav |
2011 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake and B. Nacke Numerical solution of non-linear Lagrangian equation for inertial particles in turbulent flows
In the Book of Abstracts of the 16th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Sigulda, Latvia, p. 115 | nav |
2011 | J. Grechenkovs, A. Jakovich and S. Gendelis 3D Numerical Analysis of Heat Exchange in Building Structures with Cavities
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Volume 48, Number 1 / 2011 , pp. 3 - 12 (DOI: 10.2478/v10047-011-0001-1) |
2011 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Forces on Particles in EM Driven Recirculated Turbulent Flows
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, vol. 333, 012015 |
2011 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke The Oscillations Appearing During the Process of Particle Homogenization in EM Induced Flow of ICF
In the Proceeding of the 8th International pamir Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, 2011, Borgo, Corsica, France, vol. 2, pp. 653 - 657 |
2011 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke Development of solidParticle Library for the Modeling of Particle Transfer in EM Induced Turbulent Flows
In the Book of Abstracts and Selected Presentations of the International Scientific Workshop on Multiphysical Modelling in OpenFOAM, 2011, Riga, pp. 21-22 (abstract), pp. 103-106 (presentation) |
2011 | J. Grečenkovs, M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke Coupling of EM and HD Problems for Simulation of Industrial Melting Process
In the Book of Abstracts of the 16th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2011, Sigulda, Latvia, p. 49 | nav |
2011 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs Turbulence Model Effect on Heat Exchange Characteristics Through the Neutron Beam Window for European Spallation Source
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 30: 1651-1662 | nav |
2011 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical Modeling of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in an Alternate Electromagnetic Field
Magnetohydrodynamics, 47: 461-473 |
2011 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake Numerical Modelling of Free Surface Dynamics of Conductive Fluid in Induction Crucible Furnace
University of Latvia 69 Scientific Conference Riga, Latvia, 1-4 February 2011 | nav |
2011 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake Coupled Electromagnetic and Hydrodynamic Numerical Calculation of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in Induction Crucible Furnace
16th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis Sigulda, Latvia, 25-28 May 2011, Book of abstracts: 125 p | nav |
2011 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake Numerical Modelling of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in Induction Crucible Furnace
Fundamental and Applied MHD Borgo, France, 5-11 September 2011, conference proceedings: 677-681 p. |
2011 | U. Krieger, B. Halbedel, V. Geza, A. Jakovics, R. Iser Homogenisierung der Glasschmelzen mittels Lorentzkraft aktuelle Ergebnisse
85. Glastechnische Tagung Saarbrücken, May 31 June 1 2011, p. 12. | nav |
2011 | A. Jakovics, V. Geza, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Numerische Modellierung der elektromagnetisch unterstuetzten Homogenisierung von Glasschmelzen im Auslauf einer Spezialschmelzanlage
85. Glastechnische Tagung Saarbrücken, May 31 June 1 2011, p. 13. | nav |
2011 | L.G. Westerberg, V. Geza, A. Jakovics, T.S. Lundström Burner Backflow reduction in regeneration furnace
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 2011, Vol. 5, Nr. 3, pp. 372 - 383. | nav |
2011 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, J. Kļaviņš Mathematical modelling of heat balance and comfort conditions in a living-room with radiation source
Baltic Heat Transfer conference Tampere, August 24 26, 2011, pp. 36 37 | nav |
2011 | J. Grečenkovs, A. Jakovičs, S. Čertoks Mathematical modelling for determination of heat transfer properties of building materials
Baltic Heat Transfer conference Tampere, August 24 26, 2011, pp. 34 - 35. | nav |
2011 | A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs, M. Kirpo, E. Baake Long-term LES Study of Turbulent Heat and Mass Exchange in Induction Channel Furnaces with Various Channel Design
Fundamental and Applied MHD, Borgo, Corsica, France, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 283 288 |
2011 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, U. Krieger, B. Halbedel Effectiveness of different approaches for EM force driven glass melt mixing in annular tube
Fundamental and applied MHD Borgo, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 879 883. | nav |
2011 | A. Jakovics Preface
Multiphysical modelling in OpenFOAM Riga, October 2011, pp. 13 14. | nav |
2011 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, R. Milenkovic, S. Dementjev, R. Kapulla PIV validation of OpenFOAM turbulence models for LIMETS project water test section
Multiphysical modelling in OpenFOAM Riga, October 2011, pp. 41 42. | nav |
2011 | V. Geža, A. Jakovics, U. Krieger, B. Halbedel Modelling of electromagnetic heating and mixing conditions in glass melt output equipment
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2011, Vol. 30, Nr. 5, pp.1467 1478. | nav |
2011 | Baake E., Jakovics A., Pavlovs S., Kirpo M. Influence of the channel design on the heat and mass exchange of induction channel furnace
COMPEL (The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering), 2011, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 16371650 | nav |
2011 | S. Pavlovs, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke, M. Kirpo LES modeling of turbulent flow, heat exchange and particle transport in industrial induction channel furnaces
Magnetohydrodynamics 2011, vol. 47, Nr. 4, pp. 399 412. | nav |
2010 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis Energoefektīvā realitāte Latvijā
Pārvaldnieks 2010, Nr. 16, 20 23 lpp |
2010 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Mathematical modelling of a living-room with a solar radiation source
Proceedings of the International forum-competition of young researchers "Topical Issues of Subsoil Usage". Working group "Energy saving and renewable energy", Volume II, pp. 186-188. April 21-23, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
2010 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake The Simulation of the Behaviour of the Alloying Admixture Particles in Induction Crucible Furnace
In the Proceeding of the International Symposium on Heating by Electromagnetic Sources, Padua, Italy, pp. 3 - 10 (2010) |
2010 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke The Simulation of the motion of Solid Particles in the Turbulent Flow of Induction Crucible Furnaces
In the Proceeding of the V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Lisbon, Portugal (2010). 15 p. (CD). |
2010 | V. Geza, R. Milenkovic, S. Dementjev, R. Kapulla, A. Jakovics PIV Validation of Numerical Models for Turbulent Flows in a Water Test Section for Liquid Metal Target
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 279 - 284 |
2010 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke Homogenization of Alloying Particles in Induction Crucible Furnaces
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing" Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 259 - 264 |
2010 | E. Baake, A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs, M. Kirpo Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Flow and Temperature Field in Induction Channel Furnace with Various Channel Design
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 253 - 258 |
2010 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical Modelling of Free Surface Dynamics of Melt in Induction Crucible Furnace (ICF)
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 247 252 |
2010 | J. Grečenkovs, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis 3D Numerical Analysis of Heat Exchange in Building Structures with Cavities
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 163 - 168 |
2010 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics Turbulence Model Affect on Heat Exchange Characteristics Through the Beam Window for European Spallation Source
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 139 144 |
2010 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Numerical Modelling of Airflow and Temperature Distribution in a Living Room with Different Heat Exchange Conditions
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Volume 47, Number 4 (2010), pp. 27 43 (DOI: 10.2478/v10047-010-0016-z) |
2010 | V. Geza, U. Krieger, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel Influence of Material Properties on the Electromagnetic Homogenization of Glass Melt in the Special Melter
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010, pp. 115 120 |
2010 | T.S. Lundstroem, V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics Bubble formation and motion in non-crimp fabrics with perturbed bundle geometry
Composites: Part A: Applied science and manufacturing 2010, vol. 41, pp. 83 92 | nav |
2010 | V. Frishfelds, T.S. Lundstroem, A. Jakovics Lattice gas analysis of liquid front in non-crimp fabrics
Transport in porous media 2010 19. pp. (published online 22.10.2009). | nav |
2010 | E. Baake, A. Jakovics, M. Kirpo Influence of the channel design on the heat and mass exchange of induction channel furnace
Heating by electromagnetic sources Padova, May 2010, pp. 155 162 | nav |
2010 | S. Spitans, A. Jakovics Numerical modeling of turbulent flow in liquid metal target for European spallation source (ESS)
Heating by Electromagnetic Sources Padua, Italy, 18-21 May 2010, conference proceedings: 225-232 p. | nav |
2010 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Optimisation of electromagnetic heating and mixing conditions in glass melt output equipment
Heating by electromagnetic sources Padova, May 2010, pp. 565 572 | nav |
2010 | A. Jakovics Preface
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, Latvia, 2010, p. 13 |
2010 | P. Mannberg, K. Giannadakis, A. Jakovics, J. Varna Moisture absorbtion and degradation of glass fiber/vinylester composites
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, Latvia, 2010, pp. 157 - 162 |
2010 | S. Johansson, V. Geza, L.G. Westerberg, A. Jakovics Characteristics of flow and temperature distribution in a ruthner process
International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing" Riga, Latvia, 2010, pp. 317 322 |
2010 | B. Halbedel, U. Kreiger, V. Geza, A. Jakovics, R. Iser Elektromagnetische Stroemungsbeeinflussung in einer Spezialschmelzanlage Prinzip, Auslegung und Ergebnisse
Elektropprozesstechnik Ilmenau, TU Ilmenau, Germany, 2010, 15 pp | nav |
2010 | M. Ščepanskis and A. Jakovičs The Lagrangian particles in the EM driven turbulent flow with fine mesh (the treatment of solidParticle library in OpenFOAM)
Open source CFD International conference Munich, Germany, 2010, 10 pp. (CD) |
2010 | E. Baake, A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs, M. Kirpo Long-term computations of turbulent flow and temperature field in the induction channel furnace with various channel design
Magnetohydrodynamics 2010, Vol. 46, Nr. 4, pp. 317330 | nav |
2010 | M. Ščepanskis, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke Homogenization of Non-conductive Particles in EM Induced Metal Flow in a Cylindrical Vessel
Magnetohydrodynamics, 2010, vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 413 423 | nav |
2010 | S. Spitāns, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake, B. Nacke Numerical Modeling of Free Surface Dynamics of Conductive Melt in the Induction Crucible Furnace
Magnetohydrodynamics, 46: 317-328 |
2010 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, U. Krieger, B. Halbedel Conditions of EM forced laminar mixing in a special glass melter
Magnetohydrodynamics 2010, Vol. 46, Nr. 4, pp. 449 - 460. | nav |
2009 | A. Jakovics Laboratorium für mathematische Modellierung der Umwelt- und Technologieprozesse der Universität Lettlands
Elektrowärme international 2009, Nr. 1, S. 41 - 48. | nav |
2009 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, M. Langejürgen Simulation of heat and mass exchange in channel induction furnaces
Progress in Computational heat and mass transfers May 2009, Guangzhou, pp. 263 - 268. | nav |
2009 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger, U. Luedtke Electromagnetic processing of high-tech glasses in a spezial device numerical investigations
Information technology and electrical engineering September 2009, Ilmenau, pp. 365 366. | nav |
2009 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, M. Langejürgen LES investigation of heat and mass exchange in channel induction furnaces
Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 6 Begell House, September 2009, Rome, pp. 1023 1026. | nav |
2009 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics Radiation heat transfer influence on EM and natural convection of the semi-transparent glass melt
Electromagnetic processing of materials Dresden, 2009, pp. 680 683 | nav |
2009 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, A. Jakovics, D. Ciscato Numerical investigation of TiAl meeting and solidification in induction furnace with cold crucible
Electromagnetic processing of materials Dresden, 2009, pp. 517 520 | nav |
2009 | A. Jakovics, M. Kirpo, B. Nacke, E. Baake Particle transport in the recirculated flows under EM convection
Electromagnetic processing of materials Dresden, 2009, pp. 553 556 | nav |
2009 | B. Niemann, B. Nacke, V. Geza, A. Jakovics Simulation of the 3D mass transfer of molten glasses in the inductor-crucible
Electromagnetic processing of materials Dresden, 2009, pp. 525 528 | nav |
2009 | E. Baake, M. Langejuergen, M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics Analysis and optimization of the heat and mass exchange in industrial induction channel furnaces using numerical modelling
Electromagnetic processing of materials Dresden, 2009, pp. 529 532 | nav |
2009 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Viscous low-conducting glass melt flow in output of glass processing system caused by two independent EM field sources
Electromagnetic processing of materials Dresden, 2009, pp. 537 540 | nav |
2009 | E. Baake, M. Langejuergen, M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics Analysis of transient heat and mass transfer processes in the melt of induction channel furnaces using LES
Magnetohydrodymanics 2009, Vol. 45, Nr. 3, pp. 385 -391. | nav |
2009 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke LES study of particle transport in turbulent recirculated liquid metal flows
Magnetohydrodymanics 2009, Vol. 45, Nr. 3, pp. 439 450. | nav |
2009 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke, E. Baake Diffusion limited growth-up of channels of ICF and its influence on integral flow through channel
Magnetohydrodymanics 2009, Vol. 45, Nr. 4, pp. 639 646. | nav |
2009 | D. Cepīte, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel Modelling convective and radiative heat transfer in a glass melting model crucible
Magnetohydrodymanics 2009, Vol. 45, Nr. 4, pp. 609 614. | nav |
2009 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Crossed EM fields driven weak conducting melt flow in an annular cylinder
Magnetohydrodymanics 2009, Vol. 45, Nr. 4, pp. 615 622. | nav |
2009 | Павлов С., Якович А. (S. Pavlov, A. Jakovic) Multiphysics: многодисциплинарное моделирование металлургических магнитогидродинамических технологий. Эволюция моделей индукционной печи с холодным тиглем (Multidisciplinary modelling of metallurgical magnetohydrodynamic technologies. Evolution of models of induction furnaces with cold crucible)
CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2009, № 3 (47), с. 6169. |
2008 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Mathematical modelling of a living-room with solar radiation source and different boundary conditions
Heat & Power and Thermal Physics. Vol.1, 2008, pp.73-81. ISSN 1691-5054. |
2008 | M. Langejürgen, M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics and E. Baake Numerical Simulation of Mass and Heat Transport in Induction Channel Furnaces
Modelling for electromagnetic processing Hannover, Germany, 2008, pp. 35 40. |
2008 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake and B. Nacke Particle transport in recirculated EM driven liquid metal flows
Modelling for electromagnetic processing Hannover, Germany, 2008, pp. 249 255 |
2008 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake and B. Nacke LES Study of Particle Transport in Turbulent Recirculated Liquid Metal Flows
Fundamental and applied MHD Giens, France, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 103 - 107 | nav |
2008 | E. Baake M. Langejurgen, M. Kirpo and A. Jakovics Analysis of Transient Heat and Mass Exchange in Induction Channel Furnaces Using LES
Fundamental and applied MHD Giens, France, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 63 67. | nav |
2008 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke, E. Baake and M. Langejurgen LES of Heat and Mass Exchange in Induction Channel Furnaces
PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 84 NR 11/2008, pp. 154-158. |
2008 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke, E. Baake, M. Langejuergen LES of heat and mass exchange in channel induction furnaces
XVI International congress on electricity applications in modern world Krakow, Poland, 2008, pp. 47 48. | nav |
2008 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke and E. Baake Particle transport in recirculated liquid metal flows
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 27(2), 2008, pp. 377-386. | nav |
2008 | V. Frishfelds, T.S. Lundstroem, A. Jakovics Bubble motion through non-crimp fabrics during composites manufacturing
Composites, part A: Applied science and manufacturing 2008, vol. 39, Nr. 2, pp. 243 251 | nav |
2008 | T.S. Lundstroem, L.H. Gustavsson, N. Jekabsons, A. Jakovics Wetting dynamics in multiscale porous media. Porous pore-doublet model, experiment and theory
AIChE Journal 2008, vol. 54, Nr. 2, pp. 372 380 | nav |
2008 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical studies of the melting process in the induction furnace with cold crucible
The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (COMPEL) 2008, vol. 27, Nr. 2, pp. 359 368 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Modelling of EM glass convection
The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (COMPEL) 2008, vol. 27, Nr. 2, pp. 387 - 398 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics Modelling of heat transfer through a material with the elliptic cavities
Scientific Proceedings of RTU. Heat&Power and thermal physics 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 75 - 84 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepīte, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel Modelling the temperature homogeneity of the glass melt obtained by EM action
XVI International congress on electricity applications in modern world Krakow, Poland, 2008, pp. 63 - 64 | nav |
2008 | A. Jakovics, V. Geza, B. Halbedel Weak conducting material melt flow in crossed EM field
XVI International congress on electricity applications in modern world Krakow, Poland, 2008, pp. 99 100 | nav |
2008 | T.S. Lundstroem, V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics Transport of bubbles in non-crimp fabrics during resin transfer moulding
XV International conference Mechanics of composite materials - Riga, Latvia, 2008, pp. 171 172 | nav |
2008 | A. Umbrasko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Thermal and hydrodynamic analysis of the melting process in the cold crucible using 3D modelling
Heat transfer research 2008, vol. 39, Nr. 5, pp. 413 421 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics Analysis of heat transfer in structure with regular arrangement of gas cavities
Latvian Journal of physics and technical sciences 2008, vol. 45, Nr. 4, pp. 14 - 24 | nav |
2008 | V. Frishfelds, T.S. Lundstroem, A. Jakovics Lattice-gas analysis of fluid front in noncrimp fabrics
Proceedings of the 19-th International symposium on transport phenomena (ISTP-19) Reykjavik, 2008, 8 pp | nav |
2008 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical investigations of metal flow and skull formation in cold crucible melting process
Fundamental and applied MHD Giens, France, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 185 189 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger The contribution of radiation heat transfer in temperature distribution of EM driven semi-transparent glass melt flow
Fundamental and applied MHD Giens, France, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 191 195 | nav |
2008 | A. Jakovics, V. Geza, B. Halbedel Crossed EM fields driven weak conducting flow in annular cylinder
Modelling for electromagnetic processing Hannover, Germany, 2008, pp. 271 276 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel Modelling convective and radiative heat transfer in a glass melting model crucible
Modelling for electromagnetic processing Hannover, Germany, 2008, pp. 285 290 | nav |
2008 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke, E. Baake Estimation of temperature difference and integral flow through channel of ICF
Modelling for electromagnetic processing Hannover, Germany, 2008, pp. 291 296 | nav |
2008 | V. Geza, A. Jakovics, K. Thomsen Heat exchange and operating gas flow influence on radiation resistant pressure sensor properties
Modelling for electromagnetic processing Hannover, Germany, 2008, pp. 297 302 | nav |
2008 | A. Jakovics, V. Geza, B. Halbedel Weak conducting material melt flow in crossed EM fields
Przeglad elektrotechniczny 2008, vol. 84, Nr. 11, pp. 175 179 | nav |
2008 | D. Cepīte, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel Modelling the temperature homogenity of glass melt obtained by EM action
Przeglad elektrotechniczny 2008, vol. 84, Nr. 11, pp. 165 169 | nav |
2008 | A. Jakovičs Vai energoauditoriem jābūt gaišreģiem?
Būvēt 2008, Nr. 11, lpp. 50 53 | nav |
2008 | A Jakovics, E. Baake 5-th International scientific colloquium Modelling for electromagnetic processing in Hannover Ein Rückblick
Elektrowärme international - 2008, Nr. 4, pp. 269 -274 | nav |
2007 | D. Cepīte, A. Jakovičs, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Modelling of the 3D Glass Melt Flow Driven by EM and Thermal Convection
Advances in Heat Transfer. Proceeding of the 5th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference. September 19-21, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 112 121, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
2007 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Influence of Solar Radiation and Ventilation Conditions on Heat Balance and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Living-Rooms
Advances in Heat Transfer. Proceeding of the 5th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference. September 19-21, 2007, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, vol. 2, p. 634 643. |
2007 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, E. Baake, M. Langejurgen Heat and Mass Transfer in a Recirculated Flow under EM Convection
Advances in Heat Transfer. Proceeding of the 5th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference. September 19-21, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 380 389, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
2007 | A. Umbrasko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovičs Thermal and Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Melting Process in the Cold Crucible Using 3D modeling
Advances in Heat Transfer. Proceeding of the 5th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference. September 19-21, 2007, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
2007 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Mathematical Modelling of a Living Room with Solar Radiation Source and Different Boundary Conditions
Proceedings of the WSEAS Int. conference – Arcachon, France, 2007, p. 168 – 173. |
2007 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, S. Lundsröm Automatic recognition and analysis of scanned non-crimp fabrics for calculation of their fluid flow permeability
Journal of reinforced plastics and composites – 2007, Vol. 26, Nr. 3, p. 285 - 296. | nav |
2007 | D. Cepīte, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Modelling of EM glass convection with temperature dependent properties of the melt
Induction, dielectric, conduction and elektromagnetic processing – Padua, 2007, pp. 25 – 32. | nav |
2007 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke, E. Baake Particle transport in recirculated liquid metal flows
Induction, dielectric, conduction and electromagnetic processing – Padua, 2007, pp. 153 – 160. | nav |
2007 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Influence of crust and hole formation on inductive melting of circon in inductor crucible
Induction, dielectric, conduction and electromagnetic processing – Padua, 2007, pp. 167 – 172. | nav |
2007 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical studies of the melting process in the induction furnace with cold crucible
Induction, dielectric, conduction and electromagnetic processing – Padua, 2007, pp. 277 - 284. | nav |
2007 | A. Jakovics. M. Kirpo, B. Nacke LES of particle tracking in a induction crucible
6-th international conference on multiphase flow (ICMF 2007) – Leipzig, 2007, p. 186 and 10 p. in CD | nav |
2007 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Analysis of experimental and simulation data for the liquid metal flow in a cylindrical vessel
Magnetohydrodynamics – 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 161 – 172. | nav |
2007 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Modelling of electromagnetic glass convection with temperature-dependent properties of the melt
Magnetohydrodynamics – 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 195 – 204. | nav |
2007 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Simulation of the melting process of ZrO2-SiO2 in an inductor crucible
Magnetohydrodynamics – 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 213 - 220. | nav |
2007 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical modelling of recirculated liquid metal flows in induction furnaces with cold crucible
Magnetohydrodynamics – 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 243 - 252. | nav |
2007 | A. Jakovics Preface
Magnetohydrodynamics – 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 149 – 150. | nav |
2007 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Simulation of turbulent melt flows
GAMM-Mitteilungen – Wiley-VCH, 2007, Bd. 30, Nr. 1, pp. 133 – 148. | nav |
2007 | A. Jakovics, D. Cepīte, B. Halbedel, U. Krieger Modelling the electromagnetically- driven stirring process of glass melt
Induktive Verfahren und elektromagnetische Schmelzenbeeinflussung – Ilmenau, 2007, pp. 13.1 – 13.8. | nav |
2007 | M. Langenjuergen, B. Nacke, E. Baake, M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics Simulation des Wärme- und Stofftransports in Induktions-Rinnenöfen mittels Large Eddy Simulation (LES)
Induktive Verfahren und elektromagnetische Schmelzenbeeinflussung Ilmenau, 2007, pp. 11.1 11.8. | nav |
2007 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics, M. Kirpo Analysis of the effectiveness of the melting process in the cold crucible using 3D modelling
Liquid metal processing and casting – Nancy, France, 2007, p. 273 – 277. | nav |
2007 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics Numerical simulation of turbulent flows, heat and mass transfer in metallurgical induction processes
Steel research international. 2007, vol. 78, Nr. 5, pp. 413 418. | nav |
2006 | A. Timuhins, S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Experimental Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 227-232, ISBN 9984-783-85-5 |
2006 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake and B. Nacke Modeling velocity pulsations in a turbulent recirculated melt flow
Magentohydrodynamics, Vol. 42, No. 2-3, 207-218, 2006 |
2006 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake and B. Nacke LES modelling of recirculated flows in crucible furnaces
Turbulence, heat and mass transfer Dubrovnik, 2006, p. 797 800 |
2006 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Mathematical Modelling of Living Room with Different Type of Heating
Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENT, Elounda, Greece, August 21-23, 2006 (pp. 248-253) |
2006 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Mathematical Modelling of Living Room with Different Types of Heating and Pressure Conditions
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Issue 3, Vol. 1, March 2006, ISSN: 1790-5044 |
2006 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Analysis of Experimental and Simulation Data for Liquid Metal Flow in a Cylindrical Container
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 36-41, ISBN 9984-783-85-5 |
2006 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Numerical Modelling of Recirculated Liquid Metals Flows in Practical Applications
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 56-61, ISBN 9984-783-85-5 |
2006 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, A. Muehlbauer, B. Nacke Dynamics of Incongruent Melting of ZrO2-SiO2 in Inductor Crucible
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 149-154, ISBN 9984-783-85-5 |
2006 | D. Cepite, A. Jakovics, K. Repsons, B. Halbedel 2D Modelling of EM Glass Convection by Temperature Dependent Material Properties
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 161-166, ISBN 9984-783-85-5 |
2006 | M. Nordlund, T.S. Lundstroem, V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics Permeability network model of non-crimp fabrics
Composites, part A: applied sciences and manufacturing Vol. 37, 2006, p. 826 835 | nav |
2006 | (Editors A. Jakovics, J. Virbulis) Modelling for material processing
University of Latvia, Riga, 2006, 258 p. | nav |
2006 | A. Jakovics, M. Kirpo, B. Nacke LES modelling of turbulent structure and mass transfer processes in induction furnaces
Proceedings of 51. IWK Ilmenau, 2006, p. 457 -458. (CD - 8 p.) | nav |
2006 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics Modelling of the turbulent melt flow in metallurgical processes
Proceedings of 51. IWK Ilmenau, 2006, p. 461-446 (CD - 8 p.) | nav |
2006 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Modeling of the turbulent flow in induction furnaces
Metallurgical and materials transaction B 2006, vol. 37B, p. 831 838 | nav |
2006 | B. Nacke, M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics LES study of flow characteristics in induction furnaces
Electromagnetic processing of materials Sendai, 2006, p. 541 546 | nav |
2006 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, H. Behrens, A. Jakovics LES-Modelling of turbulent flows, heat and mass transfer in industrial induction applications
Electromagnetic processing of materials Sendai, 2006, p. 214 219 | nav |
2006 | A. Jakovics, E. Baake Bericht vom 4-th International scientific colloquium Modelling for material processing
Elektrowaerme international 2006, Nr. 3, S. 184 187 | nav |
2005 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Applications of 3D mathematical models for improvement of thermal comfort conditions in living rooms
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2005 No.4, pp. 40-52, ISSN 0868-8257 |
2005 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Experimental investigations and numerical modelling of the melting process in the cold crucible
The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (COMPEL) 2005, Vol. 24, Nr. 1 pp. 314-323 |
2005 | V. Frishfelds, S. Lundsröm, A. Jakovics Automatic recognition and analysis of scanned non-crimp fabrics for calculation of their fluid flow permeability
Pattern Analysis and Application 2005, in print | nav |
2005 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs, I. Javaitis, K. Ērglis, K. Repsons Modelling of heat transfer, temperature and humidity distribution in building structures
Proceedings of international scientific conference 'Civil Engineering '05'. Section 'Environment and Environmental Effects' - Jelgava, Latvia, 2005, pp.156 -164., ISBN 9984-19-745-X |
2005 | I. Javaitis, K. Ērglis, A, Jakovičs Determination of heat conductivity of materials by guarded hot plate method
Proceedings of international scientific conference 'Civil Engineering '05'. Section 'Environment and Environmental Effects' - Jelgava, Latvia, 2005, pp.174 -1180., ISBN 9984-19-745-X | nav |
2005 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Heat transfer measurements in non-stationary conditions for building structures
14th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO), 22-24 June, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, p. 69 (CD 6 p.) |
2005 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Mathematical modelling of airflow and temperature distribution in living rooms
14th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO), 22-24 June, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, p. 68 (CD 6 p.) |
2005 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Application oh Mathematical Models for the Simulation of the Thermal Comfort Conditions in a living room
Proceedings of the 5th Internatonal scientific conference Environment, technology, resources Rēzekne, 2005, pp. 11 18 |
2005 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke Simulation of low-frequency velocity oscillations in turbulent recirculated MHD flows
Actual problems of induction heating (APIH-05) St. Petersburg, 2005, pp. 145 152. | nav |
2005 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke Modelling velocity pulsations in a turbulent recirculated melt flow
Fundamental und applied MHD Riga, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 171 174. | nav |
2005 | A. Jakovics, I. Javaitis, B. Nacke, E. Baake Simulation of melting process in cold and inductor crucible
Fundamental und applied MHD Riga, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 15 18. | nav |
2005 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, M. Kirpo, A. Jakovics Improvement of the cold crucible melting process using LES modelling
Fundamental und applied MHD Riga, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 23 26 | nav |
2005 | B. Nacke, T. Behrens, M. Kudryash, A. Jakovics Skull melting technology for oxides and glasses
Fundamental und applied MHD Riga, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 241 244. | nav |
2005 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics Numerical modelling of metallurgical processes using LES
International conference on research in elektrotechnology and applied informatics Katowice-Krakow, 2005, pp. 91 98. | nav |
2005 | M. Kirpo, A. Jakovičs, E. Baake Characteristics of velocity pulsations in a turbulent recirculated melt flow
Magnetohydrodynamics Vol. 41 (2005), No. 2, pp. 199210 |
2005 | I. Javaitis, K. Erglis, A. Jakovics Determination of heat conductivity of materials by the guarded hot plate method
Latvian Journal of physics and technical sciences 2005, Nr. 4, pp. 29 39 | nav |
2005 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Simulation of turbulent melt flows
GAMM Mitteilungen 2005, 16 pp. | nav |
2005 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics LES modelling of the cold crucible melting processes
Electromagnetic processing of materials (2-nd Sino-German workshop) October 16-19, 2005 | nav |
2005 | A. Jakovics, M. Kirpo, B. Nacke Particle tracing and crystallization in cold crucible furnace
Liquid metals and semiconductors (COST action P17 EPM) December 7-8, 2005. | nav |
2004 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Numerical modelling of hydraulic resistance in pipes of various shapes
International Conference 'Scientific Achievements for wellbeing and development of society'. Section 'Enabling environment for society wellbeing' Rēzekne, Latvia, 2004, pp. 84-91, ISBN 9984-585-46-8 |
2004 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Complex analysis of heat losses for buildings
International Conference 'Scientific Achievements for wellbeing and development of society'. Section 'Enabling environment for society wellbeing' - Rēzekne, Latvia, 2004, pp. 76 - 83., ISBN 9984-585-46-8 |
2004 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Ēku siltuma zudumu kompleksa analīze
Enerģētika un automatizācija - 2004, Nr. 1 (26), lpp. 42-46 |
2004 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Numerical modelling of hydraulic resistance in pipes of different geometric shapes
Latvian Journal of physics and technical sciences - 2004, Nr. 4, pp. 13 - 27., ISSN 0868-8257 |
2004 | V. Frishfelds, S. Lundstroem, A. Jakovics A statistical approach to permeability of clustered fibre reinforcements
Journal of composite materials 2004, Vol. 38, Nr. 13, pp. 1137 - 1149 | nav |
2004 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Two-fluid model of melting dynamics of metals in cold crucible
Heating by electromagnetic sources (HES-04) Padua, 2004, pp. 405 412 |
2004 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Study of melting dynamics of oxides in inductor crucible
Heating by electromagnetic sources (HES-04) Padua, 2004, pp. 157 164 |
2004 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Experimental investigations and numerical modelling of the melting process in the cold crucible
Heating by electromagnetic sources (HES-04) Padua, 2004, pp. 31 37 | nav |
2004 | A. Jakovics, V. Frishfelds, B. Nacke, T. Behrens Simulation der Schmelzdynamik von Oxiden im Induktor-Schmelztiegel
Erwärmen und Schmelzen mit elektrotechnischen und alternativen Verfahren. Ilmenau, 2004, 10 S. |
2004 | M. Nordlund, T.S. Lundström, V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics Application of permeability network model to non-crimp fabrics
FPCM-7 |
2003 | E. Baake, Nacke B., A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics LES modelling of heat and mass transfer in turbulent recirculated flows
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2003, Vol. 39, Nr. 3-4. |
2003 | V. Frishfelds, S. Lundstrom, A. Jakovics Permeability of clustered fibre networks: modelling of unit cell
Mechanics of composite materials - 2003, Vol. 39, Nr. 3, pp 265 - 272. |
2003 | S. Gendels, A. Jakovičs Ēku siltuma zudumu analīze, izmantojot matemātiskos modeļus
IV Starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference 'Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi' - Rēzekne, 2003., lpp. 247-352., ISBN 9984-585-68-9 |
2003 | S. Gendels, A. Jakovičs Numerical modelling of airflow and temperature distribution in heated rooms
Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences - 2003, Nr. 3, pp. 3 - 20., ISSN 0868-8257 |
2003 | A. Jakovičs, A. Umbraško, E. Baake Turbulento pārneses procesu Izpēte, lietojot lielo virpuļu modeli (LES)
Latvijas fizikas biedrības 8. Konferences materiāli - Jelgava, 2003, lpp. 39 - 45. | nav |
2003 | V. Frišfelds, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke Augsttemperatūru oksīdu kausēšanas procesu induktortīģelī modelēšana
Latvijas fizikas biedrības 8. Konferences materiāli - Jelgava, 2003, lpp. 34 - 38. | nav |
2003 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Modelling of key factors in melting of oxides in inductor crucible
Electromagnetic processing of materials - Lyon, 2003, 6 pp. | nav |
2003 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics, A. Bojarevics Experimental investigations and LES modelling of the turbulent melt flow and temperature distribution in the cold crucible induction furnace
Electromagnetic processing of materials - Lyon, 2003, 6 pp. | nav |
2003 | E. Baake, A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Experimentelle Untersuchung und LES Modellierung der Schmelzenströmung und Temperaturverteilung im Kaltwand-Induktions-Tiegelofen
48. Int. wissenschaftliches Kolloquium TU Ilmenau, 22. - 25. September Ilmenau, 2003, 8 S | nav |
2003 | A. Jakovics, J. Kaupuzs, B. Nacke Stability conditions of the build-up formation on the surface of refractory
Magnetohydrodynamics - 2003, Vol. 39, Nr. 3-4 | nav |
2003 | V. Frishfelds, B. Niemeyer, J. Hoehne, A. Jakovics Modeling of PAH elimination by adiabatic steam stripping and intraparticle desorption
Engineering in life science - 2003, Nr. 5, pp. 226 - 232. | nav |
2003 | A. Jakovics, E. Baake, A. Umbrashko Simulation von Schmelzenströmungen für industrielle Anwendungen
Elektrowärme international - 2003, Nr. 1, S. 21 - 23. | nav |
2003 | J. Kaupuzs, V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Influence of melt flow and temperature on erosion of refractory and deposit formation in induction furnaces
Modelling for electromagnetic processing - Hannover, 2003, lpp. 279 - 284. | nav |
2003 | N. Jekabsons, A. Jakovics, B. Nacke Modell of protective (skull) layer in the inductor-crucible furnace
Modelling for electromagnetic processing - Hannover, 2003, lpp. 261 - 266. | nav |
2003 | V. Frishfelds, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics Simulation of inductive melting process of oxides in inductor-crucible
Modelling for electromagnetic processing - Hannover, 2003, lpp. 157 - 162. | nav |
2003 | A. Umbrashko, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics LES modelling and experimental investigation of the melt flow in induction furnaces
Modelling for electromagnetic processing - Hannover, 2003, lpp. 111 - 116. | nav |
2003 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Umbrashko, A. Jakovics Turbulent flow dynamics, heat transfer and mass exchange in the melt of induction furnaces
The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (COMPEL) - 2003, Vol. 22, Nr. 1, lpp. 39 - 47. | nav |
2003 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovics Application of mathematical models in analysis of heat losses in the buildings
Environment, technology and resources - Rēzekne, 2003, pp. 347 352 | nav |
2003 | A. Jakovics, E. Baake Bericht vom International scientific colloquium Modelling for electromagnetic processing in Hannover
Elektrowärme international 2003, Nr. 2, S. 71 74. | nav |
2002 | A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, V. Frišfelds, I. Madžulis Influence of melt flow and temperature on erosion of refractory and deposit formation in aluminium melting furnaces
Energy transfer and management - 2002, Vol. 43, pp. 345 - 352. |
2002 | E. Baake, Nacke B., A. Umbraško, A. Jakovičs LES modelling of heat and mass transfer in turbulent recirculated flows
Fundamental and applied MHD - Ramatuelle, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 173-178. |
2002 | A. Jakovičs, J. Kaupužs, B. Nacke Stability conditions of the build-up formation on the surface of refractory
Fundamental and applied MHD - Ramatuelle, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 113-118. |
2002 | B. Nacke, V. Frišfelds, A. Jakovičs Stability conditions in inductive melting of oxides in inductor crucible furnace
Fundamental and applied MHD - Ramatuelle, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 47-52. |
2002 | J. Kaupužs, A. Jakovičs Stability conditions at the build-up formation on the surface of a refractory
Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences - 2002, Nr. 3, pp. 62 - 70. |
2002 | B. Nacke, V. Frisfelds, A. Jakovičs Modeling of inductive melting of oxides in inductor crucible furnace
Elektrowarme international - 2002, Nr. 3, pp. 105 - 109. |
2002 | (Redaktors A. Jakovičs) Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika II
Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga, 2002, 206 lpp. | nav |
2002 | S. Gendelis, A. Jakovičs Ēku blīvējuma pakāpes mērījumi - zemspiediena un pārspiediena testi
Zinātniski-praktiskais seminārs 'Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika II' - Rīga, 2002 | nav |
2002 | A. Jakovičs, H. Trimmans Ēku siltuma zudumu koeficienta aprēķins un apkures siltuma patēriņa modelēšana
Zinātniski-praktiskais seminārs 'Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika II' - Rīga, 2002 | nav |
2002 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis Būvkonstrukciju siltuma caurlaidības noteikšana reālos ēku ekspluatācijas apstākļos
Zinātniski-praktiskais seminārs 'Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika II' - Rīga, 2002 | nav |
2002 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Umbraško, A. Jakovičs Turbulent flow dynamics, heat transfer and mass exchange in the melt of induction furnaces
Journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (COMPEL) - 2002 | nav |
2002 | A. Jakovičs Būvkonstrukciju energoefektivitāte Latvijā - laikmetu griežos
Enerģētika un automatizācija - 2002, Nr. 5, lpp. 26 - 30. | nav |
2002 | V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics, L. He, B. Niemeyer Adjustment of process parameters by modeling of selective separations
Innovative Methoden zur Erfassung und Verminderung von umweltbelastenden Geruchsemissionen aus Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelindustrie. - Hamburg, 2002, p. 85 - 91. | nav |
2002 | A. Jakovics Laboratorium fur mathematische Modellierung der Umwelt- und Technologieprozesse der Universitat Lettlands
Elektrowarme international - 2002, Nr. 4, S. 143 - 148. | nav |
2001 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Umbraško, A. Jakovičs Turbulent flow dynamics, heat transfer and mass exchange in the melt of induction furnaces
Heating by internal sources Padova, 2001, pp. 47 53. |
2001 | (Editor A. Jakovičs ) Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for saving resources"
University of Latvia, Riga, 2001, 224 pp. |
2001 | A. Jakovičs, M. Kirpo , A. Veispals, B. Nacke, E. Baake Measurement of the electrical conductivity of zircon at high temperatures
International scientific colloquium 'Modelling for saving resources' Riga, 2001, pp. 135-141. |
2001 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Umbraško, A. Jakovičs Transient 3D simulation of recirculated melt flow
International scientific colloquium 'Modelling for saving saving resources' Riga, 2001, pp. 129-134. |
2001 | V. Frišfelds, A. Jakovičs , I. Madžulis, B. Niemeyer Mutual diffusion of components in liquid PAH-water system in mean field approximation
International scientific colloquium 'Modelling for saving resources' Riga, 2001, pp. 107-112. |
2001 | A. Jakovičs, V. Frišfelds , J. Hoehne, B. Niemeyer, A. Eschenbach Adiabatic steam stripping of PAH contaminated droplets in reactor tube
International scientific colloquium 'Modelling for saving resources' Riga, 2001, pp. 94-99. |
2001 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendels , H. Truemmann Modelling of air fluxes and temperature distribution in heated rooms
International scientific colloquium 'Modelling for saving resources' Riga, 2001, pp. 170-176. |
2001 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendels , H. Truemmann Analysis of heat losses from typical buildings in Riga
International scientific colloquium 'Modelling for saving resources' Riga, 2001, pp. 190-197. |
2001 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovičs, A. Umbraško Heat and mass transfer in turbulent flows with several recirculated flow eddies
Magnetohydrodynamics 2001, Vol. 37, Nr. 1-2, pp. 13-22. |
2001 | A. Jakovičs, V. Frišfelds, B. Niemeyer, J. Hoehne Modelling of adiabatic steam stripping of PAH-water binary mixture in mean field approximation
Latvian Journal of physics and technical sciences - 2001, Nr. 6, pp. 3 - 13. |
2001 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Umbraško, A. Jakovičs Dreidimensionale instationäre Untersuchungen der turbulenten Schmelzenströmung in Induktionsöfen
Elektromagnetische Verfahrenstechniken. Ilmenau, 001, 8 S. | nav |
2001 | A. Jakovičs , E. Baake Bericht vom International Scientific Colloquium 'Modelling for saving resources' in Riga, Lettland
Elektrowärme international 2001, Nr. 3, S. 111 - 113. | nav |
2001 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis System of inspection of heat losses in structures of existing buildings in Latvia
International conference 'Requirements to energy consumption level in buildings of the Baltic region' - Kaunas, 2001, pp. 105 114. | nav |
2000 | I. Madžulis, A. Jakovičs, V. Frišfelds, B. Nacke Zinc Accumulation in Refractory Material in Strongly Inhomogeneous Temperature Field
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2000, pp. 3 - 12. |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, Z. Krievāns Ēku siltuma zudumu un apkures vajadzības datormodelēšana
Latvian Journal of Physics And Technical Sciences - 2000, Nr 3, lpp. 3 18. |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, I. Madzhulis, V. Frišfelds Influence of melt Flow and Temperature on Erosion of Refractory and Deposit Formation in Aluminium Melting Furnaces
4th International Conference MHD at dawn of 3rd Millenium, Giens, France, September 18-22, 2000 | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, H. Trimmans Ēku siltuma zudumu un apkures siltuma patēriņa modelēšana
Zinātniski-praktiskais seminārs 'Eku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika' - Rīga, 2000, lpp. 24.1 - 24.15. | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, Z. Krievāns Būvkonstrukciju siltuma caurlaidības noteikšana reālos ēku ekspluatācijas apstākļos
Zinātniski-praktiskais seminārs 'Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika' - Rīga, 2000, lpp. 12.1 - 12.9. | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, L. Šnīdere, V. Krūmiņš, S. Gendelis Gatavo būvizstrādājumu siltuma caurlaidības testēšanas iespējas Latvijā
Zinātniski-praktiskais seminārs 'Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika' - Rīga, 2000, lpp. 16.1 - 16.9. | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, J. Ozoliņš, V. Krūmiņš Logi ne tikai skaistumam, jeb par ko maksāsim XXI gadsimā??
Logi un durvis. -2000, Nr. 1, lpp. 41 49. | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, J. Ozoliņš, V. Melnstrazds Siltums mūsu mājokļos, jeb ko lāpīsim, kā šūsim jaunu
Būvēt. - 2000, Nr. 4, lpp. 58 - 65. | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs, V. Krūmiņš, A. Banga Acis mūsu pilsētas sejā (jeb vai logi ir tikai skaistumam?)
Būvēt. - 2000, Nr. 5, lpp. 38 43. | nav |
2000 | E. Baake, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke, A. Umbraško Heat and mass transfer in turbulent flows with several recirculated flow eddies
4th International PAMIR MHD conference. Giens, France, September 18-24, 2000 | nav |
2000 | E. Baake, B. Nacke, E. Dötsch, A. Umbraško, A. Jakovičs Wärme- und Stofftransport in der Schmelze von Tiegelinduktoröfen
Induktionserwärmung Ilmenau, 2000, 8 S. | nav |
2000 | A. Jakovičs , B. Nacke, I. Madžulis, V. Frišfelds Influence of melt flow and temperature on erosion of refractory and deposit formation in aluminium melting furnaces
MHD at dawn of 3-rd Millennium (4-th international conference) Presquile de Giens, 2000, pp. 851 856. | nav |
1999 | V. Frišfelds, A. Jakovičs, I. Madžulis Interaction between unstationary temperature gradient and diffusion of metal vapour in porous material
| nav |
1999 | A. Jakovičs, L. Snidere, S. Gendelis Bestimmung des Wärmedurchgangs koefitzienten von Bauelementen in existierenden Gebäuden und in der Thermokammer
Maschinenbau im Informationszeitalter. - Ilmenau, 1999, S. 239 - 243. | nav |
1999 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, Z. Krievāns Determination of the heat transfer coefficient of construction elements for existing buildings
International scientific conference 'Progress in Engineering Heat Transfer' Gdansk, 1999, pp. 145 - 152. | nav |
1999 | A. Jakovics, L. Shnidere, S. Gendelis, V. Krumins Standardised measurement of heat transfer coefficient of finished building structures in the heat chamber
Modelling of material processing. Riga, 1999, pp. 168 173. | nav |
1999 | A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, H. Truemmann, J. Virbulis Combined applications of thermography, heat transfer measurement and heat consumption modelling in the reconstruction of buildings
Modelling of material processing. Riga, 1999, pp. 158 167. | nav |
1999 | A. Jakovičs, I. Madžulis, V. Frišfelds, B. Nacke Change of conductivity of fireproof material by metal vapor in presence of temperature gradient
Modelling of material processing. Riga, 1999, pp. 116 123. | nav |
1998 | A. Jakovičs, H. Trümann, A. Banga, A. Mühlbauer Einsatz der Gebäude thermographie zur Diagnostik der Wärmedämmung an osteuropäischen Hochbauten
Elektrowärme international A. 1998, Nr. 3, S. 93-102. | nav |
1998 | A. Jakovičs, I. Madžulis, V. Frišfelds, B. Nacke Auswirkungen der Temperatur auf die Diffusion der Zinkdämpfe im feuerfesten Material
43. Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Band 3. Ilmenau, 1998, S. 720 725. | nav |
1998 | I. Madžulis, A. Jakovičs, V. Frišfelds, B. Nacke Diffusion of metal vapour in porous material in strongly inhomogeneous temperature field
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical sciences. 1998, Nr. 4, pp. 39 51. | nav |
1998 | A. Mühlbauer, A. Jakovičs, J. Virbulis, E. Westphal Transfer processes in the manufacturing of single silicon crystals and high temperature alloys by increasing flow intensity
| nav |
1997 | A. Jakovičs, N. Jekabsons, A. Mühlbauer, H. Trümmann Bestimmung des effektiven Wärmedurchgangskoeffizienten von Bauelementen unter praxisnahen Bedingungen
Elektrowärme international A. - 1997, Nr. A2, S. 77 - 83. | nav |
1997 | A. Jakovičs, N. Jekabsons, J. Virbulis Determination of the effective heat transfer coefficient in the elements of existing buildings
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. - 1997, Nr. 2, pp. 71 - 83. | nav |
1997 | A. Jakovičs, A. Banga Kad siltums kļūst redzams
Zvaigžņotā debess. - 1997, Vol. 156, pp. 17 22, 40. | nav |
1997 | A. Jakovičs, A. Mühlbauer Transfer processes of the high temperature alloys in the induction furnaces with cold crucible. Transfer phenomena in magnetohydrodynamic and electroconducting flows
Grenoble, 1997, Vol. 2, pp. 469 474. | nav |
1996 | R. Drewek, A. Jakovičs, A. Mühlbauer, B. Nacke Experimental and numerical investigations of the melt flow in channel-induction furnaces
Magnetohydrodynamics. - 1996, Vol. 32, Nr. 4, pp. 433 - 442. | nav |
1996 | N. Jekabsons, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke Gekoppelte Modellierung des Temperatur- und Metallkonzentrationfeldes in der Feuerfestauskleidung
Computeranwendung in der Elektrowärmetechnik. - Ilmenau, 1996, 8 S. | nav |
1995 | E. Baake, A. Jakovičs, A. Mühlbauer Turbulence and low-frequency oscillations in the thoroidal electromagnetically induced vortical melt flow
14th International conference on magnetohydrodynamics. - Riga, 1995, 1 p. | nav |
1995 | J. Virbulis, A. Mühlbauer, A. Jakovičs Effect of inductor shape on the shape of interfaces and melt convection in floating zone silicon crystal growth
14th International conference on magnetohydrodynamics. - Riga, 1995, 1 p. | nav |
1995 | R. Drewek, A. Jakovičs, A. Mühlbauer, B. Nacke Experimental and numerical investigations on the melt flow in channel-induction furnaces
14th International conference on magnetohydrodynamics. - Riga, 1995, 1 p. | nav |
1995 | J. Virbulis, A. Mühlbauer, A. Jakovičs Numerical modeling of the float zone silicon crystal growth
10th Conference on the computation of electromagnetic fields 'Compumag'. - Berlin, 1995, pp. 606 - 607. | nav |
1995 | E. Baake, A. Jakovich, A. Mühlbauer, W. Andree Extension of the k-e model for the numerical simulation of the melt flow in induction crucible furnaces
Metallurgical and materials transactions B. - 1995, Vol. 26B, pp. 529 - 536. | nav |
1995 | U. Bethers, A. Jakovičs, N. Jekabsons, I. Madžulis, B. Nacke, A. Mühlbauer Influence of the temperature distribution of the build-up formation in the induction channel furnaces
Advances in engineering heat transfer. - Sauthampton/Boston, 1995, pp. 433 - 442. | nav |
1995 | U. Bethers, A. Jakovičs, N. Jēkabsons, I. Madžulis, B. Nacke Deposit formation and clogging in induction channel furnaces
40th International scientific colloquium. - Ilmenau, 1995, S. 31 - 36. | nav |
1995 | N. Jekabsons, A. Jakovičs, B. Nacke Infiltration von Zink in feuerfester Zustellung von Induktions-Rinnenöfen
40th International scientific colloquium. - Ilmenau, 1995, S. 54 - 59. | nav |
1995 | A. Jakovičs Aus der Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit. 10 Jahre der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit (1986 - 1995)
Riga/Hannover, 1995, S. 4 -6. | nav |
1995 | U. Bethers, A. Jakovičs, N. Jēkabsons, I. Madžulis, B. Nacke Modelling of the deposit formation in channel-type induction furnaces
Magnetohydrodynamics. - 1995, Vol. 31, Nr. 3-4, pp. 307 - 315. | nav |
1990 | Никифорова Н.В., Павлов С.И., Тир Л.Л., Якович А.Т. Численное исследование циркуляции расплава в индукционной печи с разрезным проводящим тиглем с использованием модели меридионального сечения
Магнитная гидродинамика, 1990, № 2, с. 9298. | nav |
1989 | Бетхерс У.А., Муйжниекс А.Р., Никифорова Н.В., Павлов С.И., Тир Л.Л., Якович А.Т. Численное моделирование электромагнитного поля в меридиональном сечении индукционной печи с разрезным проводящем тиглем
Известия АН ЛатвССР (серия физических и технических наук), 1989, № 1, с. 8188. |
1989 | Никифорова Н.В., Павлов С.И., Якович А.Т. Численное исследование влияния числа секций холодного тигля и частоты тока индуктора на электромагнитные поля в индукционной печи
Известия АН ЛатвССР (серия фи¬зических и технических наук), 1989, № 3, С. 109115. |
1981 | Павлов С.И., Якович А.Т. Влияние мениска на циркуляцию расплава в индукционной электропечи
Магнитная гидродинамика 1981, № 3, с. 104109. | nav |
1980 | Микельсон Ю.Я., Павлов С.И., Якович А.Т. Численное моделирование МГД-течения в области произвольной осесимметричной конфигурации
Магнитная гидродинамика 1980, № 3, с. 7380. | nav |
1978 | Микельсон Ю.Я., Якович А.Т., Павлов С.И. Численное исследование осреднённого МГД-течения в цилиндрической области с использованием рабочих гипотез для турбулентных напряжений
Магнитная гидродинамика 1978, № 1, с. 5158. | nav |