Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling
of Environmental and Technological Processes

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In Latvia
MHD School 2019
MMP 2017
MEP 2014
OpenFOAM 2011
MMP 2010
PhD course 2010
MEP 2008 CD
MMP 2006

List of laboratory´s publications by year

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 earlier

36 publications File
Спитан С., Бааке Э., Якович А., Павлов С. (Spitans S., Baake E., Jakovics A., Pavlov S.)
Новый подход к сопряженному моделированию физических процессов при проектировании электротехнологических установок для получения сверхчистых сплавов (A new approach for coupled simulation of physical processes for design of electrotechnological setups for melting of high purity alloys)

CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2014, № 5, с. 73–80
S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics
3D LES two-phase flow simulation of conventional electromagnetic levitation melting experiment

Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 16–20, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 261 – 265
S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics
A new approach for coupled simulation of liquid metal flow, free surface dynamics and electromagnetic field in induction furnaces

Heat processing – 2014, Nr. 1, pp. 79 – 85
S. Spitans, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics
A numerical model for coupled free surface and liquid metal flow calculation in electromagnetic field

Int. journal of applied electromagnetic and mechanics – 2014, vol. 44, pp. 171- 182
V. Geza, E. Baake, B. Nacke, A. Jakovics
Anisotropy of flow and transition between mixing regimes in stratified EM force generated flow

Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 16–20, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 214
Zin. red.: Andris Jakovičs
Būvkonstrukciju energoefektivitāte un ilgtspēja Latvijas klimatā

Rīga, 2014. ISBN 978-9934-517-15-0, UDK 69(474.3):551.5
V. Geza, R. Z. Milenkovic, R. Kapulla, S. Dementjevs, A. Jakovics, M. Wohlmuther
Computational and experimental studies of the flow field near the beam entrance window of a liquid metal target

Nuclear engineering and design – 2014, Vol. 275, pp. 96 – 106
A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs
Computational modeling of induction melting and experimental verification

ASM Handbook, Vol. 4c, Induction heating and heat treatment – 2014, ASM International, pp. 416 – 446.
Sakipova S.E., Jakovics A., Gendelis S., Kambarova Zh.T., Kussaiynov Ye.K.
Development a Sail Type Wind Turbine for Autonomous Energy Supply According Climate Conditions

Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2014, Vol. 11, No. 2 (22), pp. 3-11
A. Jakovics, S. Sakipova, K. Kussaiynov, Zh. Kambarova, Ye. Kussaiynov
Development of autonomous energy supply system using a sail type wind turbine

Advances in environmental sciences – Santorini, July 2014, pp. 62 – 66
Beinarts, I., Grunde, U., Jakovics, A.
Distributed Multi-Sensor Real-Time Building Environmental Parameters Monitoring System with Remote Data Access

Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering. Vol.7, 2014, pp.41-46. ISSN 2255-9140. e-ISSN 2255-9159 (DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2014-0022))
A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis, A. Ozolins, S. Sakipova
Energy efficency and sustainability of low energy houses in Latvian climate conditions

Advances in environmental sciences – Santorini, July 2014, pp. 109 – 113
V. Geza, B. Nacke, E. Baake, A. Jakovics
Influence of the Richardson number on EM force driven flow structures in square-shaped crucible

Journal of crystal growth – 2014, Vol. 401, pp. 895 – 898.
L. Blacha, S. Golak, A. Jakovics, A. Tucs
Kinetic analysis of aluminum evaporation from the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy

Archives of metallurgy and materials – 2014, Vol. 59, Nr. 1, pp. 275 – 279
A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis, A. Ozoliņš u.c.
Latvijas zinātnieki atklājuši Latvijas klimatam piemērotākos celtniecības blokus (A. Jakoviča, S. Gendeļa, A. Ozoliņa u.c. pētījumu rezultātu apskats)

Latvijas būvniecība – 2014, Nr. 2, 86 – 87 lpp.
Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Baake E., Nacke B.
LES-study of melt flow driven by combined inductive and conductive power supply in metallurgical MHD devices

Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 16–20, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 289–293.
M. Scepanskis, R. Nikoluskins, A. Bojarevics, T. Beinerts, V. Geza, A. Jakovics, K. Thomsen
Liquid metal flow induced by counter-rotating permanent magnets in a rectangular crucible

Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 16–20, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 278 – 282
A. Jakovičs, I. Dimdiņa, S. Gendelis
Materiālu ietekme uz ēkas funkcionēšanu

Latvijas Būvniecība – 2014. Nr. 4 (45), lpp. 60–64.
J. Ratnieks, A. Jakovičs, S. Gendelis
Mathematical modeling of airflow velocity and temperature fields for experimental test houses

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, Sweden,15-19 June 2014, pp. 871-878
S. Pavlovs, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke
Melt flow patterns in metallurgical MHD devices with combined inductive and conductive power supply

Magnetohydrodynamics - 2014, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 303–315
A. Jakovics, S. Pavlovs
Melting of glasses and oxides

ASM Handbook, Vol. 4c, Induction heating and heat treatment – 2014, ASM International, pp. 535 - 547.
Baake E., Barglik J., Jakovics A., Khatsayuk M., Lupi S., Nikanorov A., Pavlov E., Pavlovs S., Pervukhin M., Timofeyev S., Timofeyev V.
(Баке Э., Барглик Д., Лупи С., Никаноров А., Павлов Е., Павлов С., Первухин М., Тимофеев В., Тимофеев С., Хацаюк М., Якович А.)
MHD technologies in metallurgy. Intensive Course Specific IV.
(МГД технологии в металлургии. Интенсивный курс Специализация IV.)

Sankt Petersburg: Publishing house of ETU, 2013, 233 p., ISBN 978-5-7629-1410-9
(Санкт-Петербург: Издательство СПбГЭТУ "ЛЭТИ", 2013, 250 с., ISBN 978-5-7629-1422-2)
A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics
Moisture and frost risks for different external walls of test houses under Latvian climate conditions

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, Sweden,15-19 June 2014, pp. 1108-1115
A. Jakovics, S. Gendelis , J. Ratnieks, S. Sakipova
Monitoring and Modelling of Energy Efficiency for Low Energy Testing Houses in Latvian Climate Conditions

International Journal of Energy, 2014 (8): 76-83 (ISSN: 1998-4316)
A. Tucs, S. Spitans, A. Jakovics, E. Baake
Numerical modeling of gas bubble dynamics in liquid metal in applied DC magnetic field

Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 16–20, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 266 – 270
Pavlovs S., Jakovics A., Baake E., Nacke B., Sushkovs V.
Numerical modelling of melt circulation in industrial-size furnaces with power supply by inductor and over electrodes

International Scientific Colloquium “Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing”. Hannover (German), September 16–19, 2014, pp. 363–369
S. Spitans, E. Baake, A. Jakovics, H. Franz
Numerical simulation of electromagnetic levitation in a cold crucible furnace

Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies (Proceedings of the 9th PAMIR International Conference, June 16–20, 2014, Riga, Latvia), 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 256 - 260
Kazjonovs, J., Sipkevics, A., Jakovics, A., Dancigs, A., Bajāre, D., Dancigs, L.
Performance Analysis of Air-to-Water Heat Pump in Latvian Climate Conditions

Environmental and Climate Technologies. Nr.14, 2014, 18.-22.lpp. ISSN 1691-5208. e-ISSN 2255-8837. (doi:10.1515/rtuect-2014-0009)
Sakipova, S., Jakovics, A.
Sail-Type Wind Turbine for Autonomous Power Supplay: Possible Use in Latvia

Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences – 2014, Nr. 6, pp. 13 - 25. (doi:10.1515/lpts-2014-0033)
M. Scepanskis, A. Jakovics, E. Baake, B. Nacke
Solid inclusions in an electromagnetically induced recirculated turbulent flow: Simulation and experiment

Int. journal of multiphase flow – 2014, vol. 64, pp. 19 – 27
M. Ščepanskis
The modeling of the behavior of solid inclusions in the EM induced recirculated turbulent flows of liquid metal. Thesis for the degree of Dr. phys.

University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Physics, Rīga, 2014
A. Ozolins, A. Jakovics
Thermal comfort in summer in low energy buildings

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, Sweden,15-19 June 2014, pp. 782-789
Павлов С. (Pavlov S.)
Системы высокопроизводительных вычислений в 2013–2014 годах: обзор достижений и анализ рынков. Часть I. Серверы, компьютеры, планшетники, смартфоны. Часть II. Процессоры. Часть III. Суперкомпьютеры. Часть IV. Результаты года. Часть V. Планы и прогнозы (High-performance computing systems in 2013–2014: achievements review and markets analysis. Part 1. Servers, computers, tablets, smartphones. Part 2. Processors. Part 3. Supercomputers. Part 4. Results of the year. Part 5. Plans and forecasts)

CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2014, № 5, с. 59–69; №6, с. 65–73; №8, с. 75–86; 2015, №1, с. 70–77; №2, с. 65-74
Павлов С. (Pavlov S.)
Системы электронного и электротехнического проектирования в 2013 году: обзор достижений и анализ рынка (Electronic Design Automation systems in 2013: achievements review and market analysis)

CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2014, № 3, с. 8–17
Павлов С. (Pavlov S.)
CAE-технологии в 2013 году: обзор достижений и анализ рынка (CAE technologies in 2013: achievements review and market analysis)

CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2014, № 4, с. 8–18
Павлов С. (Pavlov S.)
“Ключевым преимуществом пакета pSeven являются уникальные высокоэффективные методы оптимизации и анализа данных”. Интервью Сергея Морозова, сооснователя и технического директора компании DATADVANCE (“Key advantage of pSeven software is the unique highly effective methods of optimization and data mining”. Interview with Sergey Morozov, co-founder and technical director of DATADVANCE company)

CAD/CAM/CAE Observer, 2014, № 2, с. 38–44