Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling
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List of publications by authors

Year 46 publication(s) by U. Bethers: File
2012D. Cepīte-Frišfelde, U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
Penalty Function for Identification of Regions with Similar Climatic Conditions

Climate Change in Latvia and Adaption to It, 2012, pp. 8 - 16, ISBN 978-9984-45-440-5
2012P. Bethers, U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
On Driving External Hydrological Models by Regional Climate Models

Climate Change in Latvia and Adaption to It, 2012, pp. 17 - 31, ISBN 978-9984-45-440-5
2011J. Sennikovs, J. Virbulis, U. Bethers
Mathematical Model of the Baltic Artesian Basin

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03 – 08 April 2011
2010T. Sile, J. Virbulis, A. Timuhins, J. Sennikovs, U. Bethers
Modelling of Cavitation and Bubble Growth During Ultrasonic Cleaning Process

International Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Material Processing", Riga, September 16-17, 2010
2009U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
Employment of regional climate models as data source for hydrological modelling

Spec iss. Hydrol. Res. "Nordic Hydrology". pieņemts publicēšanai
2009J. Seņņikovs, U. Bethers
Dažas nākotnes klimata upju noteces iezīmes

LU 67 konferences tēzes. "Klimata mainība un ūdeņi" 97. lpp., Rīga, 2009
2009U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
Viļņu klimata izmaiņas prognoze Latvijas piekrastē

LU 67 konferences tēzes. "Klimata mainība un ūdeņi" 38. lpp., Rīga, 2009
2009P. Bethers, U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Valainis
Biogēnu noteces sezonālā mainība: novērojumi un modeļi

LU 67 konferences tēzes. "Klimata mainība un ūdeņi" 36. lpp., Rīga, 2009
2009J. Seņņikovs, U. Bethers
Statistical Downscaling Method of Regional Climate Model Results for Hydrological Modelling

In Andersen, R.S., R.D. Braddock and L.T.H. Newham (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM 09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, pp. 3962-3968.
2009U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs
Ensemble Modelling of Impact of Climate Change on runoff Regime of Latvian Rivers

In Andersen, R.S., R.D. Braddock and L.T.H. Newham (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM 09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 13-17 July, Cairns, Australia, p. 3900-3906
2008U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
Dažas nākotnes klimata iezīmes

LU 66 konferences tēzes. "Klimata mainība un ūdeņi", 2008
2008U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
Employment of regional climate models as data source for hydrological modelling

XXV Nordic Hydrological conference "Nordic water 2008" Reykjavik, Aug-2008
2008A. Andrušaitis, M. Kļaviņš, U. Bethers, V. Jansons, G. Spriņģe, G. Eberhards, J. Aigars, A. Ikauniece, K. Āboliņa
Klimata pārmaiņas izpausmes Latvijas ūdeņos

Klimata mainība un ūdeņi : Latvijas Universitātes 66. zinātniskā konference : rakstu krājums
2007A. Valainis, U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs
Current measurements in nearshore area: autumn-2006

Baltic Sea Scientific conference. Rostock, 2007
2007U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs
Mathematical Modelling of the Hydrological Processes in the Aiviekste River Basin

Climate Change in Latvia, Riga, 2007, pp. 96-119
2007U. Bethers, J. Gaideliene, J. Seņņikovs
Regional climate models as data source for hydrological modelling

ASTRA konference. Rīga, 2007
2007U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins, J. Gaideliene
The physically-based scalable catchment and river runoff model appilcation to the Latvian rivers

USGS General Assembly, Vienna, 2007
2007U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs, A. Timuhins
Aiviekstes baseina hidroloģijas matemātiskā modelēšana

Klimata mainība un ūdeņi : Latvijas Universitātes 65. zinātniskā konference : rakstu krājums
2006U. Bethers, J. Sennikovs, A. Timuhins, J. Virbulis, D. Zablockis
Modelling of Surface Diffusion in Structured Silicon

Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 77-82, ISBN 9984-783-85-5
2006U. Bethers, J. Sennikovs, H. Szillat, A. Timuhins, J. Virbulis
Mathematical Modelling of Sintering of SiO2 Crucibles

Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquim 'Modelling for Material Processing' - Rīga, Latvia, 2006, pp. 123-128, ISBN 9984-783-85-5
2006T. Mueller, D. Dantz, W. von Ammon, J. Virbulis, U. Bethers
Modeling of Morphological Changes by Surface Diffusion in Silicon Trenches

ECS Trans. 2, 363 (2006)
2005U. Bethers, K.-P. Holz
Beach profile simulation under sediment transport at the shore-lines of Baltic Sea by neural networks and discrete models

Lehrstuhl fur Bauinformatik BTU Cottbus, 2005
2002V. Bērziņš, U. Bethers, K.-P. Holz, J. Seņņikovs
Approach for providing data series required in prognostic simulations

2001V. Bērziņš, U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Hydrographic regime of Gulf of Riga and water exchange with Baltic Proper: Years 1991/95

Finnish Marine Research Series
2000U. Bethers, J. Seņņikovs
Calibration of sub-regional groundwater filtration model in vicinity of hydropower plant

Abstract, XXV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice, April 25-29, 2000, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.2, 2000.
2000J. Seņņikovs, U. Bethers
Modelling for the vertical structure of physical fields in Gulf of Riga

Finnish Marine Research Series
2000J. Senņikovs, U. Bethers
Shallow water calculation of circulation for Gulf of Riga

Finnish Marine Research Series
1999U. Bethers
Hidroloģisko procesu matemātiskie modeļi: pielietojums Latvijas transporttehnoloģiju ilgtspējīguma nodrošinājum?

Seminārs 'Moderno transport – tehnoloģiju zinātniski tehniskais nodrošinšjums'. Konference 'Baltic Transport Gateway ‘99', Rīga
1999U. Bethers
Hydrological processes in Latvia: a challange for modeler

Proc. International Scientific Colloqium "Modelling of Material Processing", Riga, May 28 - 29, 1999.
1998U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs, R. Gržibovskis, G. Eberhards
An investigation of prolonged coastline development by a coupled longshore/crosshore model

Abstract, XXIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice, April 20-24, 1998, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 16.
1998U. Bethers, N. Jēkabsons, J. Senņikovs
An approach for representation of 3D geological structures and modelling of groundwater flows

Abstract, XXIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice, April 20-24, 1998, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 16.
1998U. Bethers, N. Jēkabsons, J. Senņikovs
Object-oriented approach for coupling data assimilation, calculation and visualisation for groundwater flows

Proceedings ICHE'98. Cottbus, 1998. Abstract in 'Advances in Hydro - Science and Engineering', Vol. III, The University of Mississippi, (p. 285). Full text on CD 'Cyber Proceeding 3rd Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering', ISBN 0-937099-09-0.
1998J. Senņikovs, R. Gržibovskis, U. Bethers, K.-P. Holz
Multi-level approach to the estimation of the load transport near Ruegen

Proceedings ICHE'98, Cottbus, 1998. Abstract in 'Advances in Hydro – Science and Engineering', Vol. III, The University of Mississippi, (p.124). Full text on CD 'CyberProceeding 3rd Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering', ISBN 0-937099-09-0
1998V. Bērziņš, U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Hydrographic Regime of Gulf of Riga and Water Exchange with Baltic Proper during 1990's

Abstract, The Gulf of Riga Project, Symposium in Jūrmala, Latvia, May 10-14, 1998, p. 60.
1998V. Bērziņš, U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Internal waves in the Gulf of Riga: observations and link with model of vertical TS structure

Abstract, XXIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice, April 20-24, 1998, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 16.
1997U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Mathematical model for load transport in selected coastal area

Thesis 22nd EGS General Assembly, Vienna, April 1997, Annales Geophysicae, Vol.15-sup. II, p. C 251.
1997V. Bērziņš, U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Investigations of physical fields in the Gulf of Riga: measurements and model of vertical temperature and salinity structure with account for ice formation

Thesis 22nd EGS General Assembly, Vienna, April 1997, Annales Geophysicae, Vol.15-sup. II, p. C 375.
1997J. Senņikovs, U. Bethers
Calculation of circulation in the Gulf of Riga by a shallow water model

Thesis 22nd EGS General Assembly, Vienna, April 1997, Annales Geophysicae, Vol.15-sup. II, p. C 383.
1997U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Mathematical modeling of longshore load transport near Latvian harbour Ventspils

Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions, J.R.Acinas, C.A.Brebbia (Ed.) Proc. COASTAL 97, Computational Mech. Publications, 1997, pp. 33-42.
1997U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Modelling the nearshore hydrodynamics: a tool of forecasting

Abstract, practical - scientific seminar 'Oil Terminals in the Eastern Baltic - Environmental Problems' , Jurmala, Latvia, May 29 - June 2, 1997.
1996U. Bethers, J. Senņikovs
Application of shallow water and sediment transport models for harbour engineering problems in Latvia

Forum Bauinformatik, Cottbus. VDI Verlag, Reihe 4, Bauingenieurwesen, Nr. 135, 1996, pp. 197-202.
1995U. Bethers, A. Jakovičs, N. Jekabsons, I. Madžulis, B. Nacke, A. Mühlbauer
Influence of the temperature distribution of the build-up formation in the induction channel furnaces

Advances in engineering heat transfer. - Sauthampton/Boston, 1995, pp. 433 - 442.
1995U. Bethers, A. Jakovičs, N. Jēkabsons, I. Madžulis, B. Nacke
Deposit formation and clogging in induction channel furnaces

40th International scientific colloquium. - Ilmenau, 1995, S. 31 - 36.
1995U. Bethers, A. Jakovičs, N. Jēkabsons, I. Madžulis, B. Nacke
Modelling of the deposit formation in channel-type induction furnaces

Magnetohydrodynamics. - 1995, Vol. 31, Nr. 3-4, pp. 307 - 315.
1995J. Senņikovs, U. Bethers
Modelling of the vertical temperature and salinity structure of the Gulf of Rīga

Latvian Journal of Physycs and Technical Sciences, No.1, 1995, Rīga, pp. 19-41.
1989Бетхерс У.А., Муйжниекс А.Р., Никифорова Н.В., Павлов С.И., Тир Л.Л., Якович А.Т.
Численное моделирование электромагнитного поля в меридиональном сечении индукционной печи с разрезным проводящем тиглем

Известия АН ЛатвССР (серия физических и технических наук), 1989, № 1, с. 81–88.